
Ipomoea Atlas


Monday, October 19, 2015

This is a collection of documents and data about all the species in Ipomoea.

Last update time:

## [1] "Tue May 31 16:54:29 2016"

In NCBI, Ipomoea contains only 146 species or subspecies or hybrid species.

NCBI Ipomoea species

“Tropicos was originally created for internal research but has since been made available to the world’s scientific community. All of the nomenclatural, bibliographic, and specimen data accumulated in MBG’s (Missouri Botanical Garden) electronic databases during the past 25 years are publicly available here. This system has over 1.2 million scientific names and 4.0 million specimen records.”

In Tropicos, Ipomoea contains 1866 records.

Tropicos Ipomoea Search

In JSTOR, Ipomoea contains 7334 records including some amazing ancient drawings.

Ipomoea in JSTOR

!Ipomoea L.

Blue Man alt text Bolivia Lady alt text Anonymous alt text


Some of them are already resoloved by J.R.I.Wood & Scotland in their monograph “Ipomoea (Convolvulaceae) in Bolivia”, like Ipomoea paradae below.

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Key: Leaves white-tomentose beneath

Specimen Maps

Ipomoea sect. Acmostemon (Pilg.) Verdc.


Ipomoea ser. Anisomerae (House) D.F. Austin

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Ipomoea sect. Batatas (Choisy) Griseb.

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Ipomoea sect. Pes-caprae Griseb.

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Ipomoea abutiloides (Kunth) G. Don

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Key: Sepals glabrous or near-glabrous

Ipomoea abutiloides (Kunth) G. Don (1838: 273).

Convolvulus abutiloides Kunth (1819: 106). Type: Ecuador, Guayaquil, Bonpland s.n. (holotype P00670760!).

Turbina abutiloides (Kunth) O’Donell (1950c: 505)

Liana climbing high over shrubs to 7 m, stems whitetomentose, especially when young, roots tuberous. Leaves petiolate, 3 – 10 × 3 – 11 cm, broadly ovate, base truncate to subcordate, apex retuse, rounded or obtuse, adaxially pubescent, abaxially grey-tomentose; petioles (1–) 3 – 6 (– 10) cm, pubescent to tomentose. Inflorescence of axillary and terminal cymes, the later compound and often paniculate or racemose in form, sometimes distinctly leafy; peduncles 2 – 11 cm, tomentose; bracteoles 2 – 9 mm, linear, tomentose, soon caducuous; short (c. 5 mm), secondary and tertiary peduncles often present; pedicels 5 – 25 mm, tomentose; calyx narrow and ± cylindrical, sepals subequal, 10 – 14 × 4 – 7 mm, oblong-obovate, obtuse to rounded, drying brown, glabrous or nearly so, inner c. 2 mm longer than outer, the margins broad and scarious; corolla 5 – 7 cm, funnel-shaped, pink, pubescent in bud, glabrescent, limb 4 – 5 cm, weakly lobed. Capsule glabrous, ovoid, 14 – 17 × 6 – 7 mm; seeds reported as usually solitary, 9 – 10 mm long, minutely tomentellous.


Ipomoea acanthocarpa

Key: Pedicels very short, < 5 mm long; seeds with abundant long hairs (lowland species)

Ipomoea acanthocarpa (Choisy) Aschers. & Schweinf. (Ascherson & Schweinfurth 1867: 277).

Calonyction acanthocarpum Choisy (1845: 346). Type: Sudan, Kordofan, T. Kotschy 269 (isotype K!).

Ipomoea piurensis O’Donell (1953: 382), synon. nov. Type: Peru, O. Haught 142 (holotype US!).

Glabrous twining herb. Leaves petiolate, 2 – 11 × 1.5 – 8 cm, ovate-deltoid, shortly and often abruptly acuminate or acute, cordate, auricles rounded to acute, often with a distinct tooth and sometimes shallowly bilobed, abaxially with prominent venation, petioles 1 – 8 cm. Inflorescence of few-flowered, somewhat congested, pedunculate cymes; peduncle 1 – 6 cm, often stout and somewhat swollen upwards, sometimes warty, bracteoles 2 – 3 mm, scale-like, caducous; pedicels 2 – 5 mm, sometimes warty; sepals slightly unequal, 5 – 10 × 3.5 – 7 mm, the margins white, outer ovate, acute to mucronate, usually conspicuously warty, inner obtuse and mucronate, smooth, slightly larger; corolla 2 – 3 cm, funnel-shaped, pink or white, glabrous, limb c. 2.5 cm diam., the midpetaline bands terminating in mucros. Capsule 9 – 10 mm, subglobose, with prominent persistent style, glabrous; seeds 5.5 mm long, grey, long-pilose.


!Ipomoea aculeata Blume



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*Ipomoea aculeata (L.) Kuntze

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Ipomoea aculeata var. mollissima (Zoll.) Hallier f. ex Ooststr.


Ipomoea acuminata (Vahl) Roem. & Schult.

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Ipomoea acutisepala O’Donell

Ipomoea aegyptia L.

Ipomoea alatipes Hook. f.

!Ipomoea alba L.

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Key: Corolla white, narrowly cylindrical wth spreading limb, stamens exserted; outer sepals 15 – 25 mm long including awn

Ipomoea alba L. (Linnaeus 1753: 161). Type: India, Rheede, Hort Ind. Malabar 11: 103. t. 50 (1692), designated by Verdcourt in Hubbard & Milne-Redhead (1963: 130).

I. bona-nox L. (Linnaeus 1762: 228), nom. illeg., superfluous name for I. alba L.

Vigorous scrambling or trailing plant, stems to 10 m, glabrous, sometimes armed with soft spines. Leaves petiolate, 5 – 15 × 4 – 14 cm, ovate, sometimes lobed to about one third, acuminate to a fine hair point, cordate at the base, auricles sometimes with broad teeth; petioles 3 – 18 cm. Inflorescence of 1 – 3-flowered, pedunculate, axillary cymes; peduncles 2 – 9 (– 20) cm, stout; bracteoles caducous, not seen; pedicels 5 – 15 mm, swollen below flower; sepals unequal, outer sepals 15 – 25 × 4 – 6 mm, lanceolate with a long awn 5 – 12 mm in length, green with white margins inner sepals 12 – 20 mm including a 2 – 5mmlong awn, ovate, whitish with green midrib; corolla with a cylindrical tube 5 – 12 cm long and a spreading, white limb 4 – 5 cm in diam., glabrous. Capsule ovoid, c. 3 cm long, glabrous; seeds 11 – 13 mm long, glabrous.

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Ipomoea albivenia Sweet

Ipomoea alexandrae D.F. Austin


Ipomoea amnicola Morong

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Key: Corolla 2 – 3 cm long; inner sepals 5 – 5.5 mm long

Ipomoea amnicola Morong in Morong & Britton (1892: 170). Type: Paraguay, banks of the Pilcomayo, T. Morong 974 (holotype NY!, isotype R!).

Somewhat succulent twining perennial, completely glabrous in all parts. Leaves petiolate, 2 – 8 (– 12) × 2 – 8 (– 10) cm, ovate, sometimes broadly so, distinctly narrowed to an acuminate apex, base cordate with rounded auricles, abaxially slightly glaucous, petioles 1 – 10 cm. Inflorescence of rather dense, many-flowered, pedunculate simple or compound cymes; peduncles 1 – 5 cm; bracteoles 1 – 2 mm, ovate, caducous; secondary peduncles 5 – 15 mm; pedicels 0.8 – 2 cm; sepals slightly unequal, coriaceous, glabrous, outer 4 – 5 mm long, elliptic, concave, obtuse and shortly mucronate, inner 5 – 5.5 mm long, obovate, rounded, with broad scarious margins; corolla 2 – 3 cm, pale lilac with dark centre, glabrous, funnel-shaped, the limb 2.5 – 3 cm diam., unlobed. Capsule ovoid, 9 – 12 × 6 mm, glabrous, seeds reddish brown, tomentose.

Ipomoea ampullacea Fernald

Ipomoea androyensis Deroin

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Ipomoea anisomeres B.L. Rob. & Bartlett

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Ipomoea anisomeres var. sagittiformis L.O. Williams

Ipomoea aprica House

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Key: Leaves linear to very narrowly oblong

Ipomoea aprica House (1908: 243). Ipomoea angustifolia Choisy (1845: 355), non I. angustifolia Jacq. (Jacquin 1788). Type: Pohl in Herb. Mart. (holotype M-0184918; isotype K000612793).

Erect undershrub from a xylopodium to c. 75 cm, stems strigose, woody, not usually branched. Leaves sessile, rather numerous, 1.5 – 12 × 0.2 – 0.5 cm, linear to narrowly oblong, base cuneate, apex acute and mucronate, adpressed pubescent. Inflorescence terminal, usually short (c. 5 cm long) with a distinct rhachis, somewhat compact; flowers solitary from the upper leaf axils or in very shortly pedunculate cymes; peduncles 0 – 5 cm, pubescent; bracteoles c. 2 mm, lanceolate, fugacious; pedicels 3 – 10 mm, pubescence more spreading than on peduncles; sepals subequal, 4 – 6 mm (accrescent to 7 mm in fruit), ovate to suborbicular, obtuse to subacute, tomentose, the inner c. 1 mm longer, rounded with wide, glabrous, scarious margins; corolla 4 – 4.5 cm, funnel-shaped, pink, adpressed pilose, limb 2.5 – 3 cm diam. Capsule ovoid, 5 – 7 mm long, glabrous, shortly rostrate; seeds not seen.

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Ipomoea aquatica Forssk.

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Ipomoea arachnosperma Welw.

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Ipomoea arborescens (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) G. Don

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Ipomoea arborescens var. glabrata Gentry

Ipomoea argentaurata Hallier f.

Ipomoea argentea Meisn.

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Key: Leaves silvery-tomentose or sericeous, not conspicuously imbricate, nor decreasing in size upwards; corolla limb lobed

Ipomoea argentea Meisn. (Meisner 1869: 247). Types: Brazil, Goyas et Pianhy, G. Gardner 3356 (lectotype BR 0000005837519!, designated here, isolectotype K!).

Batatas villosa Choisy (1845: 337). Types: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Ytu, Martius 609 (syntype M).

Ipomoea villosa (Choisy) Meisn. (Meisner 1869: 244), non I. villosa Ruiz & Pavon (1799).

Ipomoea stachyoides Meisn. (Meisner 1869: 240). Type: Brazil, Goiás, Burchell 6586 (holotype BR!, isotypes K!, P!).

Erect perennial, stem stout and somewhat woody, often simple, white-tomentose, 0.3 – 1 m high. Leaves subsessile, 2.5 – 10 (– 14) × 2 – 3.5 (– 5.5) cm, broadly oblong to oblong-elliptic, acute and sometimes mucronate, cuneate to rounded at base, densely sericeous or tomentose on both surfaces, upper surface greenish, lower surface grey; petioles 0 – 5 mm. Inflorescence terminal, formed of sessile or shortly pedunculate compact cymes from the upper leaf axils, cymes commonly single-flowered but sometimes with 2 – 10 flowers; peduncles 0 – 2.5 cm, tomentose; bracteoles linear-lanceolate to ovate, up to 10 × 5 mm, hirsute, somewhat persistent; pedicels 1 – 3 mm; sepals subequal, 7 – 9 mm, elliptic, obtuse, coriaceous, concave, brown when dry, the outer villous but glabrescent, inner glabrous; corolla 5 – 6 cm, funnelshaped, pink, glabrous, limb c. 4 cm diam., distinctly lobed. Capsule glabrous, ellipsoid, 8 × 6 mm, very shortly rostrate; seeds c. 3 mm, long-pilose.

Ipomoea argentifolia A. Rich. ex Sagra

Ipomoea argentina N.E. Br.

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Ipomoea argentinica Peter

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Key: Twining herb; sepals 9 – 10 mm long

Ipomoea argentinica Peter (1891: 30). Type: Argentina, Salta, pasaje del Río Juramento, Lorentz & Hieronymus 285 (lectotype GOET 005548!, designated by O’Donell (1959b: 110), isolectotype US!).

Twining or, less commonly, trailing perennial, roots with small tubers, stems densely pubescent. Leaves petiolate, mostly 2 – 8 × 3 – 10 cm, broadly ovate to suborbicular, shallowly cordate to ± truncate with rounded auricles, apex acute and apiculate, adaxially green and appressed pilose, abaxially grey, tomentose with long, appressed hairs; petioles 1 – 8 cm. Inflorescence of dense pedunculate cymes; peduncles 4 – 7 (–11) cm, usually grey-tomentellous; bracteoles 1.2 – 2 × 0.1 – 0.3 cm long, linear-lanceolate, longacuminate, grey-tomentose, persistent; secondary peduncles 0.3 – 4 cm; pedicels 0 – 10 mm, often very short, tomentellous; sepals subequal, 9 – 10 × 4 – 5 mm, broadly lanceolate, acute to acuminate, silvery-sericeous, the inner ovate with scarious, glabrous margins; corolla 5 – 7 cm, pale pink, adpressed-pilose, funnelshaped, limb 3 – 4 cm diam., undulate to very shallowly lobed. Capsule ovoid, 8 – 9 × 7 mm, glabrous; seeds 6 – 7 mm long, long-pilose.

Ipomoea argillicola R.W. Johnson

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Ipomoea argyreia Meisn.

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Ipomoea aristolochiifolia G. Don

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Key: Peduncle usually passing through sinus of leaf base; sepals obtuse, verrucose, occasionally smooth

Ipomoea aristolochiifolia G. Don (1838: 277). Type: Venezuela, Humboldt & Bonpland (holotype P 00670751!).

Ipomoea oocarpa Benth. (Bentham 1844 [publ. 1845]: 136). Type: Ecuador, Guayaquil, Sinclair s.n. (holotype K!).

Ipomoea tuerckheimii Vatke ex Donn. Sm. (Donnell Smith 1905: 8). Type: Guatemala, von Tuerckheim 386 (isotypes GH!, P, US).

Slender twining annual herb, stems shortly pilose or glabrous. Leaves petiolate, 1.5 – 6 × 1 – 3.5 cm, ovatedeltoid, narrowed to an acuminate and mucronate apex, base very narrowly cordate often with overlapping rounded auricles, margin often with a few teeth, ciliolate, adaxially glabrous, abaxially paler, the veins puberulent; petioles 0.5 – 5.5 cm, glabrous to sparsely pilose. Inflorescence of 1 – 3(-6)-flowered, axillary, pedunculate cymes; peduncles 2.5 – 6 cm, puberulent, very slender, often curved, arising through the sinus of the leaf base; bracteoles 1 – 1.5 mm, triangular-lanceolate; pedicels mostly 5 – 10 mm, very slender, glabrous; calyx lanceolate in outline, sepals subequal, often warted on exterior near base but otherwise glabrous, 3 – 5 × 1.5 – 2 mm, oblonglanceolate, obtuse, mucronate, dark green with pale scarious margin; corolla 1.5 – 2.5 cm, campanulate, tube white, limb blue (drying pink), very shallowly lobed, 1.2 – 1.8 cm diam. Capsule glabrous, ovoid, the style often persistent as a rostrate tip, seeds puberulent.

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Ipomoea armentalis L.O. Williams

Ipomoea asarifolia (Desr.) Roem. & Schult.

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Ipomoea assumptionis Morong

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Ipomoea aurantiaca L.O. Williams

Ipomoea aurifolia Dammer

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*Ipomoea avicola D.F. Austin

Ipomoea bahiensis Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.

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Ipomoea bahiensis var. sagittifolia Meisn.

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Key: Outer sepals with a dorsal tooth-like appendage

Ipomoea bahiensis Willd. ex Roem. & Schultz (Roemer & Schultes 1819: 769). Type: Brazil, T. Hoffmannsegg s.n. (holotype B-W 03753-010).

Ipomoea salzmannii Choisy (1838: 59). Type: Salzmann & Blanchet 2683 (isotype M-0184904).

Trailing or climbing perennial herb to 1.5 cm, stems glabrous. Leaves petiolate, 3 – 8 × 0.8 – 5.5 cm, ovatedeltoid, acuminate and mucronate, base cordate with rounded to acute auricles, glabrous or puberulent, abaxially pale green; petioles 0.5 – 2 cm. Inflorescence of few-flowered, dense, pedunculate axillary cymes; peduncles 0.5 – 4 (– 12) cm long, often very short, puberulent or glabrous; bracteoles 1.5 – 6 × 0.5 – 1.5 mm, ovate, acute, scarious except for green midrib, caducous; pedicels 3 – 7 mm; sepals unequal, somewhat variable in structure, glabrous, fleshy, white or pale green with darker spots and green apex, abaxially often with a prominent toothlike appendage; outer sepals 6 – 7 × 3 mm, obovate or elliptic, obtuse, inner 9 – 10 × 4 mm, suborbicularobovate, rounded to truncate with prominent angles, margin scarious; corolla 4 – 5.5 cm, white, lilac or pink, glabrous, funnel-shaped, limb c. 4 cm diam., unlobed. Capsule subglobose, 7 – 8 mm, shortly rostrate, glabrous; seeds lanate.


Ipomoea barbatisepala A. Gray



Ipomoea barteri Baker

!Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.

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Key: Trailing plant, rooting at nodes; sepals prominently veined, terminating in a hair point

Key: Sepals thinly to densely pilose; creeping perennial rooting at nodes, cultivated or escaped

Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. (Lamarck 1793: 465).

Convolvulus batatas L. (Linnaeus 1753: 154). Type: India, Herb. Linn. No. 77.5 (S), lectotype designated by Biju 2002: 755).

Creeping perennial herb rooting from the stem and developing root tubers, stems extending to cover several metres, glabrous to coarsely pilose. Leaves petiolate, very variable in form but usually rather large, 3 – 15 × 5 – 12 cm, ovate or shallowly to deeply 3 – 5-lobed, cordate, shortly acuminate, both surfaces glabrous to coarsely pilose, abaxially somewhat glaucous and with prominent veins; petioles usually rather long, 4 – 15 cm. Inflorescence of long-pedunculate, axillary, dense umbellate cymes; peduncles 5 – 30 cm long, stout; bracteoles filiform, c. 2 mm long, caducous; secondary peduncles 5 – 15 mm; pedicels very short, 5 – 10 mm long; sepals 7 – 11 mm, unequal, margins often but not always ciliate, outer shorter than inner, oblongelliptic to oblong-oblanceolate, abruptly mucronate with a hair point c. 2 mm long, prominently 1 – 5-veined, the inner sepals broadly elliptic, rounded and mucronate; corolla 4 – 4.5 cm, pink, often with a dark centre, glabrous; ovary pubescent (rarely glabrous), rarely fertile so capsule and seeds usually absent.

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Ipomoea batatas var. porphyrorhiza Griseb.

!Ipomoea batatoides Choisy

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Key: Peduncles mostly > 1.5 cm long so inflorescence lax; corolla uniformly pink or white on exterior

Ipomoea batatoides Choisy (1838: 58). Type: Brazil, Bahia, Blanchet (holotype G-DC, not seen)

Ipomoea philipsonii O’Donell (1953: 378), synon. nov. Type: W. R. Philipson, J. M. Idrobo & A. Fernandez 1396 (holotype BM!).

Twining perennial to 4 m, stems usually glabrous. Leaves petiolate, 3 – 11 × 2.5 – 8 cm, ovate, weakly cordate with rounded auricles, shortly acuminate to an acute apex, occasionally slightly undulate-denticulate or weakly 3- lobed, glabrous or, rarely, pubescent, lower surface paler, often dotted with glands orminute hair bases; petioles 2 – 7 cm, characteristically slender. Inflorescence of lax pedunculate, axillary cymes; peduncles 3 – 10 cm; secondary peduncles 1.5 – 3 cm, bracteoles filiform, 4mm, caducous; pedicels 5 – 15 mm long; sepals subequal, coriaceous and somewhat concave, 6 – 10 × 5 mm, broadly oblong, rounded, usually glabrous, margins narrowly scarious; corolla 4 – 8 cm, inflated above a narrow basal tube, then gradually widened, pink or, less commonly, white, glabrous, limb 5 – 6 cm diam., unlobed. Capsule 8 × 6 mm, ellipsoid, glabrous, rostrate, seeds woolly.

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Ipomoea bernoulliana Peter

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Ipomoea biflora (L.) Pers.

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Ipomoea biloba Forssk.

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Ipomoea blanchetii Choisy

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Ipomoea blepharophylla Hallier f.

Ipomoea blepharosepala Hochst. ex A. Rich.

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Ipomoea bolusiana Schinz

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Ipomoea bombycina (Choisy) Benth. & Hook. f.

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Ipomoea bonariensis Hook.

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Key: Indumentum of stellate hairs

Ipomoea bonariensis Hook. (Hooker 1839: t. 3665). Type: Cultivated plant grown from seed collected by Tweedie at Buenos Aires (lectotype K 00612912, designated here).

A very variable trailing or, more commonly, twining perennial to at least 3 m in height, roots tuberous, stems becoming woody when old, sparsely or densely roughly hirsute with stellate hairs. Leaves petiolate, usually 3 – 9 × 3 – 9 cm, ovate, obtuse and mucronate, commonly 3 – 5-lobed to about half way or margin sinuate, adaxially dark-green, asperous, stellatepubescent, abaxially grey, stellate-tomentose; petioles 1 – 6 cm. Inflorescence of pedunculate, 1 – 10-flowered, axillary cymes, sometimes becoming racemose in form; peduncles 2 – 8 cm, stout, asperous-stellatehirsute; bracteoles scale-like, caducous; secondary peduncles 1 – 3.5 cm; pedicels 2 – 10 mm (very rarely more); calyx globose, sepals slightly unequal, coriaceous, concave, obtuse, usually glabrous, the margins scarious, outer 5 – 8 × 4 – 5 mm, elliptic, inner slightly broader and longer; corolla 4 – 7 cm, funnel-shaped, pink, glabrous, limb c. 4 cm diam., shallowly lobed. Capsule narrowly ovoid, 11 – 12 × 7 mm, glabrous, seeds 5 – 7 mm long, pilose with hairs 10 mm long.

Ipomoea bonariensis var. erecta

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Ipomoea bonariensis var. erecta J. R. I. Wood & R. W. Scotland, var. nov. Type: Paraguay, Nueva Asunción, cerca del cuartel de Gral. Eugenio A. Garay, A. Charpin & L. Ramella 21528 (holotype G).

RECOGNITION. Differs from all other forms and varieties of I. bonariensis by being an erect undershrub at least 30 cm high with a woody stem 3 – 10 mm thick and a subterminal inflorescence with cymes arising from the uppermost leaf axils. In both specimens of this variety the leaves are shallowly, palmately 5-lobed.

Ipomoea bonariensis var. chacoensis O’Donell

!Ipomoea bracteata Cav.

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Ipomoea bracteata var. pubescens Rob. & Greenm.

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Ipomoea brasiliana Meisn.

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Ipomoea brassii C.T. White

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Ipomoea burchellii Meisn.

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Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweet

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Key: Petioles with stipular-like outgrowths at base

Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweet (1826: 287).

Convolvulus cairicus L. (Linnaeus 1759: 922). Type: “Convolvulus Aegyptius” Vesling in Alpinio, Pl. Aegypti 73 – 74 (1640), designated by Bosser & Heine (2000).

Twining perennial herb to 3 m, stems glabrous, often muricate. Leaves petiolate, digitately divided into 5 – 7 leaflets, the laterals sometimes joined at base, leaflets 1 – 5 × 0.3 – 1 cm, lanceolate or oblonglanceolate, acute and mucronate, glabrous; petioles with stipule-like outgrowths at base, 1 – 5 cm. Flowers usually solitary, sometimes in shortly pedunculate, 2 – 3- flowered axillary cymes; peduncles 0.3 – 1 cm; bracteoles 1 – 2mm, oblong, caducous; pedicels 0.3 – 2.5 cm; sepals subequal, glabrous with scarious margins, outer 5 – 7 × 4 mm oblong-ovate, acute, inner 6 – 8 mm, broadly ovate-elliptic, obtuse; corolla 4.5 – 7 cm, funnel-shaped, pink, glabrous, limb 4 cm diam., unlobed. Capsule 1 – 1.3 cm, subglobose, glabrous; seeds 5 – 6 mm, tomentellous with longer caducous marginal hairs.

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Ipomoea cairica var. cairica


Ipomoea cairica var. gracillima (Collett & Hemsl.) C.Y. Wu


Ipomoea calantha Griseb.

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Ipomoea caloneura Meisn.

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Key: Stem and leaves thinly pilose

Ipomoea caloneura Meisn. (Meisner 1869: 281). Type: Brazil, Goyaz, Burchell 6582 (holotype BR 0000006972875!, isotype K000612845!)

Ipomoea tapirapoanensis Hoehne (1938: 38) Type: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Tapirapoa[n], F. C. Hoehne 1668 (isotype R!).

Trailing or climbing perennial, stems thinly pilose. Leaves petiolate, 2 – 6 × 2.5 – 8 cm, base cordate with rounded auricles, margin somewhat undulate, 3-lobed to about half way, lobes acute to shortly acuminate, central lobe elliptic, narrowed at base, laterals broadly ovate, both surfaces pilose, abaxially paler; petioles 1.5 – 3 cm, pilose. Inflorescence of mostly 3 – 5- flowered axillary cymes, peduncles 3 (– 11) cm, glabrous or thinly pilose; bracteoles linear-lanceolate, 2 – 4 mm; secondary peduncles 1 – 4.5 cm; pedicels 6 – 20 mm, glabrous or, rarely, thinly pilose; sepals unequal, coriaceous, concave, glabrous, margins scarious, when fresh pale green, shiny; outer sepals 6 – 7 × 4 mm, elliptic, obtuse, inner 10 – 11 mm, obovate, obtuse; corolla 6 – 7 cm long, funnel shaped, pale pink with dark centre, glabrous, limb c. 5 cm diam., lobed. Capsule 7 – 8 × 6 mm, ovoid, glabrous, rostrate; seeds 4 – 5 × 2.5 mm pale brown, glabrous apart from lanate angles with hairs c. 10 mm long.

Ipomoea calyptrata Dammer

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Key: Woody liana; sepals 14 – 22 mm long

Ipomoea calyptrata Dammer (1897: 40). Type: Brazil, Minas Gerais, near Arrasnaby, Glaziou 15265 (holotype B†, isotypes K000612835, P03878984, R).

Vigorous liana-like climber reaching 5 m, stems woody, subtomentose. Leaves petiolate, large, 4 – 16 × 5 – 14 cm, ovate to subreniform, apex rounded or retuse, mucronulate, base shallowly cordate to subtruncate, margin slightly undulate. adaxially grey-tomentellous, abaxially white tomentose with conspicuous venation; petioles 1.5 – 5 cm, tomentose. Inflorescence of fewflowered pedunculate, axillary cymes; peduncles 3 – 5 cm, tomentose; bracteoles 20 × 4 mm, oblanceolate, abaxially grey-tomentose, adpressed to calyx; secondary peduncles 10 – 15 mm; pedicels 2 – 7 mm, tomentose; sepals subequal, 1.4 – 2.2 × 0.8 – 1.4 cm, oblong-obovate, rounded, densely white tomentose; corolla 6 – 7 cm long, pink, funnel-shaped, densely sericeous, limb 7 cm diam., unlobed. Capsule 2 × 1.5 cm, ovoid, glabrous; seeds pilose with long white hairs.

Ipomoea calystegioides Hallier f.

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Ipomoea cana E. Mey.

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Ipomoea capillacea (Kunth) G. Don

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Ipomoea carajasensis D.F. Austin

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Ipomoea cardenasiana O’Donell

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Key: Sepals minutely puberulent, broad, obtuse; corolla pale pink

Ipomoea cardenasiana O’Donell (1950a: 375). Type: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Urucúm, M. Cardenas 4448 (holotype LIL!).

Vigorous twining perennial to 3 m; stems stout, glabrous. Leaves petiolate, 4 – 10 × 3 – 8 cm, mostly 3-lobed to half way with acute lobes but some leaves ovate with one or two marginal teeth, base broadly cordate, apex shortly acuminate and mucronate, adaxially glabrous apart from veins pubescent near base, abaxially paler, pubescent especially on the veins; petioles 2 – 5 cm. Inflorescence of pedunculate, axillary cymes; peduncles 2 – 5 cm, stout, glabrous; bracteoles c. 5 mm long, oblong, mucronate, papery, caducous; secondary and tertiary peduncles 0.8 – 1.5 cm; pedicels 5 – 10 mm, pubescent; sepals slightly unequal, outer 15 – 20 × 10 – 12mm, ovate, narrowed to an obtuse apex, minutely puberulent, pale green; inner sepals 18 – 22 × 12 mm, elliptic, acuminate to an obtuse apex, sericeous, pallid; corolla 7 – 9 cm long, funnel-shaped, pale pink, pubescent in bud, glabrescent later, limb 5 cm diam., very shallowly lobed. Capsule ovoid, 15 × 10 mm, glabrous, brown, enclosed by sepals; seeds 11 × 6 mm (possibly immature), brown, pilose with very long marginal hairs.


Ipomoea cardiophylla A. Gray

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!Ipomoea cardiosepala Meisn.

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Ipomoea carnea Jacq.

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Key: Erect undershrub to c. 2 m in height

Ipomoea carnea Jacq. (Jacquin 1760: 13). Type: Jacquin, Stirp. Amer. Hort. Pl. t. 18 (1763), lectotype designated by Austin (1977: 237).

Erect (subsp. fistulosa) or climbing (subsp. carnea) undershrub to 4m, often growing in clumps, stems stout, hollow, canescent when young, becoming glabrous. Leaves petiolate, 8 – 20 (– 30) × 3 – 10 (– 12) cm, ovate or elongateovate- deltoid, base cordate to subtruncate with rounded auricles, apex acuminate to long-acuminate, both surfaces canescent when young, glabrescent, veins prominent abaxially; petioles 3 – 8 cm. Inflorescence of longpedunculate axillary, somewhat compact cymes; peduncles 2 – 12 cm; bracteoles 3 – 4 mm, ovate or elliptic, caducous; secondary peduncles 3 – 7 mm; pedicels 5 – 15 mm, puberulent; sepals subequal, 5 – 6 × 7 – 8 mm, ovate to suborbicular, rounded, tomentellous,margins scarious; corolla 6 – 7 cm, funnel-shaped, pink, tomentellous in bud, ±glabrescent, limb 4.5 – 5 cm diam., shallowly lobed. Capsule 18 × 10mm, ellipsoid, glabrous; seeds 10 – 11 × 3 – 4 mm, woolly with very long hairs.

Two subspecies are widely recognised:

subsp. carnea

This is characterised by its climbing habit and ovate, shortly acuminate leaves. It is recorded as present in Bolivia by Austin&Huáman (1996: 6) but no specimen has been traced and the record was presumably based on erroneous information.

subsp. fistulosa (Mart. ex Choisy) D. F. Austin (1977: 237). Ipomoea fistulosa Mart. ex Choisy (1845: 349). Type: Brazil, C. F. Martius 2398 (lectotype M, designated by D. F. Austin 1977: 237).

This is characterised by its erect habit and elongate, long-acuminate leaves.


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Ipomoea carnea subsp. carnea

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Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa (Mart. ex Choisy) D.F. Austin

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Ipomoea carolina L.

Ipomoea caudata Fernald

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Ipomoea cavalcantei D.F. Austin

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Ipomoea cavanillesii Roem. & Schult.

Ipomoea cernua fo. chacoensis Hassl.

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Ipomoea chamelana J.A. McDonald

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Ipomoea cheirophylla O’Donell

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Key: Leaves relatively small, mostly 4 – 6 × 5 – 7 cm; mostly dry habitats in the inter-Andean valleys and the lowlands

Ipomoea cheirophylla O’Donell (1959b: 141). Type: Argentina, Salta, Dep. Rosario de la Frontera, Las Termas, C. O’Donell 5360 (holotype LIL).

Twining perennial 2 – 5 m in height, stems wiry, glabrous or pubescent. Leaves petiolate, 4 – 6 (– 10) × 5 – 7 (– 10) cm, 5 – 7-lobed to just above the base, base truncate or broadly cordate and cuneate onto the petiole, lobes oblong-elliptic, narrowed at both ends, apex obtuse and mucronate, usually glabrous but pubescent in the Tarija area, petioles 1 – 4 (– 8) cm. Inflorescence of usually compound, axillary cymes of 1 – 5 (– 7) flowers; peduncles 2 – 8 cm, pubescent; bracteoles 2mm, oblanceolate, caducous; secondary peduncles 1.3 – 2.2 cm; pedicels 7 – 18 mm, pubescent; sepals slightly unequal, elliptic, concave, coriaceous with a very narrow scarious margin, glabrous or puberulent near base, the outer 6 – 10 × 3 – 5 mm, obtuse, inner 5 – 7 mm wide, rounded; corolla 4 – 5 cm, funnel-shaped, pink, glabrous, limb 4 cm diam., shallowly lobed. Capsule 10 × 8 mm, ellipsoid to subglobose, glabrous; seeds 5 – 6 mm long, dark brown, woolly.

Ipomoea chenopodiifolia (M. Martens & Galeotti) Hemsl.

Ipomoea chiliantha Hallier f.

Key: Corolla 4 – 4.5 cm long; inner sepals 6 – 7 mm long

Ipomoea chiliantha Hallier f. (1899b: 50). Type: Lorentz s.n. (holotype B†, lectotype GOET, designated here).

Twining or trailing perennial, all vegetative parts glabrous. Leaves petiolate, ovate but usually constricted in the middle to form a tapering acuminate apical portion, base cordate with rounded auricles, petioles 3 – 5 cm. Inflorescence of long pedunculate, axillary cymes, sometimes compounded; peduncles 5 – 13 cm, bracteoles 2 – 3 mm, lanceolate, caducous, secondary peduncles 0. 5 – 2 cm; pedicels 1 – 2.5 cm; sepals unequal, outer 5 mm long, elliptic, obtuse and mucronulate, inner 6 – 7 mm, broadly ovate-elliptic, rounded, scarious-margined; corolla 4 – 5.5 cm, funnelshaped, pink, darker in the centre, glabrous, limb 3 – 3.5 cm diam. Capsule 7 × 6 mm, ovoid, shortly rostrate, glabrous; seeds (immature), pubescent on the angles.

Ipomoea chilopsidis Standl.

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Ipomoea chiriquiensis Standl.

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Ipomoea cholulensis Kunth

Ipomoea chondrosepala Hallier f.

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Key: Leaves glabrous

Key: Sepals 7 – 8 mm wide, greenish; corolla 7 – 9.5 cm, often pubescent in bud; inflorescence not markedly branched

Ipomoea chondrosepala Hallier f. (Hallier 1899b: 49). Type: Paraguay, Villa Rica, Balansa 1072 (lectotype P, designated here, isolectoypes G, K).

Liana reaching 6 m, stems glabrous. Leaves petiolate, 6 – 11 × 4 – 9 cm, ovate, base broadly cordate to subtruncate, apex very shortly acuminate, margin often denticulate near base, both surfaces glabrous, veins prominent abaxially; petioles 3 – 6 cm. Inflorescence of few-flowered, pedunculate, axillary cymes; peduncles straight, 3 – 10 cm; bracteoles caducous; secondary peduncles 2 – 2.5 cm; pedicels 1 – 3 cm; sepals somewhat unequal, broadly oblong, rounded to retuse (sometimes mucronulate), glabrous, margins scarious, outer sepals 10 – 12 × 6 mm; inner sepals 12 – 16 × 7 –8mm; corolla 6 – 9.5 cmlong, funnelshaped, pink, in Bolivia usually pubescent in bud and at tips of midpetaline bands, sometimes completely glabrous, limb 3 – 4 cm diam., weakly lobed. Capsule 15 – 16 × 11 – 12 mm, ovoid, glabrous; seeds 6 × 3.5 mm, woolly.

Ipomoea chrysocalyx D.F. Austin


Ipomoea chrysochaetia Hallier f.

Ipomoea cissoides var. subintegrifolia Meisn.

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Ipomoea clausa Rudolphi ex Ledeb. & Adlerstam


Ipomoea clavata (G. Don) Ooststr. ex J.F. Macbr.

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Key: Stem usually pilose with long hairs; sepals not prominently veined, 23 – 28mmlong; corolla blue

Ipomoea clavata (G. Don) Ooststr. ex J. F. Macbr. (Macbride 1931: 3).

Calonyction clavatum G. Don (1838: 264). Type: Ecuador, Ruiz & Pavon s.n. (holotype Herb. Lambert, not found at BM, isotype MA!).

Ipomoea contrerasii L. O. Williams (1970: 189). Type: Guatemala, Petén, Arroyo Paxcaman, Uaxactun, Contreras 3640 (holotype LL, isotype K!).

Twining perennial to c. 5 m; stems with long, white, stiff, spreading hairs. Leaves petiolate, 6 – 12 × 5 – 10 cm, ovate, sometimes shallowly 3-lobed or with a single lateral lobe, shortly acuminate and mucronate, cordate with rounded auricles, margin often undulate, glabrous, thin in texture, abaxially paler, main veins prominent; petioles 4 – 4.5 cm, pilose. Inflorescence of 1 (– 3)-flowered, axillary, pedunculate cymes; peduncles 0.4 – 2.5 cm, bracteoles 2 mm, lanceolate, caducous, pedicels 2 – 4 cm, darker than peduncle, conspicuously thickened upwards, glabrous; sepals subequal, 23 – 28 × 10 mm, broadly lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous, margin broad, scarious; corolla 7.5 – 11 cm, glabrous, broadly funnel-shaped, the tube white, limb blue, deeply lobed. Capsule ovoid, c. 2 cm long, glabrous; seeds 10 – 13 × 5 mm, shortly tomentose but with long yellowish marginal hairs.

Ipomoea clewellii C. Nelson

*Ipomoea coccinea Sessé & Moc.

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!Ipomoea coccinea L.

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Ipomoea coccinea var. coccinea

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Ipomoea collina House

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Ipomoea confertiflora Standl.

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Ipomoea congesta R. Br.

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Ipomoea consimilis Schulze-Menz

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Ipomoea conzattii Greenm.

Ipomoea coptica (L.) Roth ex Roem. & Schult.

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Ipomoea coptica var. acuta Choisy

Ipomoea coptica var. coptica

!Ipomoea cordata L.B. Sm. & B.G. Schub.

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Ipomoea cordatotriloba var. australis (O’Donell) D.F. Austin

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Key: Ovary and capsule pilose; sepals pilose

Ipomoea cordatotriloba Dennst. (Dennstedt 1810: 246). Type as for Convolvulus carolinus L.

Convolvulus carolinus L. (Linnaeus 1753: 154). Type: Icon. in Dillenius, Hortus Elthamensis t. 84 f. 98 (1732), designated by Staples in Staples & Jarvis (2006: 1020), non Ipomoea carolina (L.) Pursh.

Ipomoea carolina (L.) Pursh., nom. illeg., non Ipomoea carolina L. (1753).

Ipomoea trichocarpa Elliot (1817: 258). Type as for Convolvulus carolinus L.

Slender twining (occasionally trailing) annual herb, stems to 3 m, glabrous, thinly pilose with long white hairs or densely pubescent. Leaves petiolate, 2.5 – 8 × 1.5 – 6 cm, ovate-deltoid, or shallowly 3-lobed, narrowly cordate with rounded, entire or dentate auricles, apex shortly acuminate, mucronate, glabrous or thinly pilose on veins and margins or pubescent; petioles 0.5 – 5 cm. Inflorescence of axillary, pedunculate, umbelliform cymes, usually with 1 – 5 (– 9) flowers and more lax than in Ipomoea batatas; peduncles 2 – 9 cm; bracteoles 5 –7mm, filiform, pilose, relatively persistent; pedicels 4 – 9 mm; sepals subequal, usually ciliate with stiff spreading hairs, occasionally glabrous, outer sepals 8 – 11 mm, ovate, gradually narrowed to an outwardly curved fine point, the central vein usually distinct, inner sepals 10 – 12 mm, obovate, abruptly or gradually narrowed to a mucronate apex, less hairy; corolla 2.5 – 4 cm, gradually widened from base, pink with a dark centre, glabrous, limb c. 2.5 cm diam., unlobed. Capsule subglobose, 7 – 8 mm, pilose; seeds brown, hemispherical, 3.5 mm long, glabrous.

Ipomoea coriacea Choisy

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Ipomoea cornucopia Chodat & Hassl.

Ipomoea corymbosa (L.) Roth

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Key: Corolla campanulate; liana without copious white latex; leafy when flowering

Ipomoea corymbosa (L.) Roth ex Roem. & Schult. (Roemer & Schultes 1819: 232).

Convolvulus corymbosa L. (Linnaeus 1759: 923). Type: Burman, Pl. Amer. Plum. T. 89 f. 2, lectotype, designated by Stearn (1974: 7ff.).

Turbina corymbosa (L.) Raf. (Rafinesque 1838: 81).

Liana climbing to about 7 m over shrubs and small trees; stems woody, usually glabrous. Leaves petiolate, 4 – 10 × 3 – 9 cm, ovate, cordate with rounded auricles, narrowed to an obtuse, shortly mucronate apex, glabrous or (rarely) pubescent, abaxially paler; petioles 2 – 5 cm. Inflorescence of lax compound cymes terminal on the main stem and on lateral branchlets 5 – 20 cm long; secondary peduncles 1 – 5 cm, bracteoles c. 2 mm, scale-like; pedicels 7 – 17 mm, sepals slightly unequal, oblong, obtuse, nearly completely scarious, glabrous, outer 10 – 11 mm, inner 11 – 14 mm; corolla 2.5 – 3 cm, campanulate, cream with dark centre and yellowmidpetaline bands, glabrous, limb c. 1.5 – 2 cm diam. Capsule narrowly ovoid, 11 – 14 × 3 – 4 mm, glabrous, style persistent, seeds 1 – 2, 4 – 5 mm diam., subglobose, tomentose.

Ipomoea coscinosperma Hochst. ex Choisy

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Ipomoea costata F. Muell. ex Benth.

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Ipomoea costellata Torr.

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Ipomoea crassicaulis (Benth.) B.L. Rob.

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Ipomoea crassifolia Cav.


Ipomoea crassipes Hook.

Ipomoea crepidiformis Hallier f.

Ipomoea crinicalyx S. Moore

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Key: Outer sepals 12 – 14 mm long; leaves glabrous or puberulent; peduncles 0.5 – 8 cm long; corolla pink

Ipomoea crinicalyx S. Moore (1895: 402). Type: Brazil, Mato Grosso, S. Moore 953 (holotype BM!).

Twining perennial herb, stems glabrous or puberulent. Leaves petiolate, 3 – 9 × 3 – 9 cm, broadly ovate, cordate with broad sinus, acuminate, glabrous or shortly adpressed pubescent; petioles 1 – 6 cm. Inflorescence of pedunculate axillary cymes; peduncles 0.5 – 8 cm; bracteoles very variable sometimes small, linear, caducous, sometimes large, expanded and leaflike; secondary peduncles (if present), 2 – 6 mm, pedicels 8 – 21 mm; sepals slightly unequal, oblong-ovate, acute, covered in soft spines, otherwise glabrous, puberulent, or, frequently, farinose, outer 12 – 14 × 4 – 5 mm, inner 14 – 15 × 5 – 6 mm, the scarious margins and upper part spineless; corolla 5.5 – 8 cm, pink, glabrous outside, limb 4 – 5 cm, unlobed. Capsule ovoid, glabrous, 14 – 15 × 12 mm with stout rostrate apex 5 mm long; seeds c. 5 mm, flattened ellipsoid, minutely tomentellous with long, dense, brownish marginal hairs.

Ipomoea cristulata Hallier f.

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**Ipomoea crocea McPherson ex Breedlove

Ipomoea cuernavacensis House


!Ipomoea cuneifolia Meisn.

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*Ipomoea cuneifolia A. Gray

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Key: Leaves oblong-oblanceolate; inflorescence terminal on stems

Ipomoea cuneifolia Meisn. (Meisner 1869: 245). Type: Brazil, Goiás, 17 Jan. 1829, Burchell 8501-2 (holotype BR 0000006972578!, isotype K000612804!, barcode ambiguously placed).

Erect undershrub to 1.5 m, stem woody, hispid-pilose with multicellular hairs, roots tuberous. Leaves subsessile, 3 – 6 × 1.2 – 2 cm oblong-oblanceolate, apex rounded and mucronate, base cuneate and slightly asymmetric, adaxially densely grey-pubescent, abaxially hispidhirsute and gland-dotted, petioles 0 – 5 mm. Inflorescence terminal, simple, short to somewhat elongate, formed of shortly pedunculate cymes from the uppermost leaf axils; peduncles 0.5 – 1 cm, diminishing in size upwards; bracteoles up to 6 × 2 mm, linear-lanceolate, caducous; pedicels 3 – 5 mm so cymes congested; sepals similar, 5 – 7 mm, ovateelliptic, obtuse, grey-tomentellous, slightly accrescent in fruit; corolla 4 cm, funnel-shaped, pink, appressed pilose, limb c. 3 cm diam., shallowly lobed. Capsule c. 10 × 6 mm, narrowly ovoid, glabrous; seeds woolly.

Ipomoea cyanantha Griseb.

Ipomoea cynanchifolia Meisn.

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Key: Capsule ovoid, glabrous or pubescent

Ipomoea cynanchifolia Meisn. (Meisner 1869: 274). Type: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Lagoa Santa, Warming (lectotype BR, flowering portion on sheet, designated by O’Donell (1952: 218), isolectotype P).

Slender twining annual herb, nearly glabrous in all parts. Leaves petiolate, mostly 3 – 5.5 × 2 – 4.5 cm, ovate or shallowly 3-lobed, cordate with rounded to obtuse auricles, apex shortly acuminate, mucronate, adaxially thinly pubescent or glabrous; petioles 1.5 – 5 cm. Inflorescence of long pedunculate axillary umbelliform cymes with 2 – 5 flowers; peduncles 2 – 10 cm; bracteoles tiny, triangular, caducous; pedicels 5 – 15 mm; sepals subequal, oblong-obovate with broad scarious margins, rounded and mucronate, usually glabrous but occasionally ciliate; outer sepals 3.5 – 6 mm; inner sepals c. 1 mm longer; corolla 1.5 – 2.5 cm, funnel-shaped, pink with a dark centre, glabrous, limb 1.5 – 1.75 cm diam., unlobed, sometimes dentate. Capsule 2 – 3 × 4 mm, ovoid, exceeding sepals, glabrous or thinly pilose, the slender style somewhat persistent; seeds 3 – 3.5 × 2.5 mm, ellipsoid, dark brown, glabrous.

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Ipomoea dactylophylla Griseb.

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Ipomoea darainensis Deroin, Ranir. & Nusb.

Ipomoea decasperma Hallier f.

Ipomoea decemcornuta O’Donell

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Ipomoea decora Meisn.

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Ipomoea delphinifolia M. Martens & Galeotti

Ipomoea delphinioides Choisy

Ipomoea densibracteata O’Donell

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Key: Bracteoles large, foliose, concealing the calyx, persistent at least until fruit is formed

Ipomoea densibracteata O’Donell (1950b: 438). Type: Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Prov. Cordillera, Cabezas, I. Paredo 453 (holotype LIL).

Vigorous climber or liana to 4 m, stems stout, densely pubescent. Leaves petiolate, 3 – 9 × 2 – 8 cm, ovate, obtuse and mucronate, margin undulate, cordate and cuneate onto the petiole, adaxially green, densely pubescent, beneath grey-subtomentose; petioles 1 – 3 cm, subtomentose. Inflorescence of solitary bracteate flowers aggregated into dense cymes or racemes; bracts resembling small leaves, peduncles 1 – 3.5 cm, densely pilose to tomentose; bracteoles foliose, 1.2 – 2.5 × 0.5 – 0.8 cm, oblong-elliptic, obtuse, narrowed to a cuneate base, persistent; pedicels 0 – 5 mm; sepals hidden by bracteoles, subequal, 8 – 9 × 4 – 6 mm, elliptic, obtuse, coriaceous, concave, somewhat pubescent when young, glabrescent and completely glabrous when in fruit; corolla 5 – 8 cm long, funnel-shaped, pink with a darker centre, glabrous, limb 2.5 – 4 cm diam., undulate. Capsule enclosed by persistent bracts, 7 – 8 × 5 mm, glabrous, ovoid, rostrate; seeds 5 mm, oblong, long-pilose.


Ipomoea descolei O’Donell

Ipomoea desmophylla Bojer ex Choisy

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Ipomoea desrousseauxii Steud.

Ipomoea diamantinensis J.M. Black

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!Ipomoea digitata L.

Ipomoea dimorphophylla Greenm.

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Ipomoea riparum Standl. & L.O. Williams

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!!Ipomoea discolor (Kunth) G. Don


***Ipomoea discolor Jacq.

Ipomoea diversifolia R. Br.

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!Ipomoea dubia Roem. & Schult.

Ipomoea dumetorum Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.

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Key: Corolla pink; sepals dotted with small dark blotches

Ipomoea dumetorum Willd. ex Roem. & Schult. (Roemer & Schultes 1819: 789). Type: sin loc, probably Colombia or Ecuador, Humboldt & Bonpland (holotype B).

Twining annual herb, stems glabrous, sometimes muricate. Leaves petiolate, mostly 4 – 10 × 3 – 7 cm, ovate-deltoid (rarely 3-lobed), hastate to broadly cordate, auricles rounded or acute, apex acute and finely mucronate, margin entire or with a large marginal tooth, both surfaces usually glabrous but sometimes abaxially pubescent on veins near base; petioles 2.5 – 4 (– 8) cm. Inflorescence of pedunculate axillary cymes; peduncles 2 – 8 cm, sometimes paired, glabrous or hirsute at base; bracteoles 2 – 3 mm, narrowly linear-lanceolate, acuminate, ±persistent; secondary peduncles short, 0.5 – 1 cm; pedicels mostly 1 – 1.5 cm, often recurved in bud; sepals slightly unequal, the inner slightly shorter than the outer, 5 – 6 mm, broadly ovate to elliptic, obtuse, mucronulate, pale green with prominent dark spots and pale margins, outer sepals sometimes muricate; corolla 2 – 2.8 cm, broadly funnel-shaped, glabrous, tube pale pink or white, limb pink (sometimes reported to be bluish), c. 2 cm diam. Capsule glabrous, ovoid, rostrate, the persistent style c. 2 mm long; seeds 5 – 6 × 2 – 2.5 cm, black, minutely tomentellous.

Ipomoea dumosa (Benth.) L.O. Williams

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Ipomoea durangensis House

Ipomoea echinocalyx Meisn.

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Key: Outer sepals 15 – 25 mm long; leaves pubescent; peduncles < 0.5 cm long; corolla usually white or cream

Ipomoea echinocalyx Meisn. (Meisner 1869: 223). Type: Brazil. Minas Gerais, Lagoa Anta, Warming (holotype BR!).

Twining perennial herb reaching 4 m; stems thinly to densely pubescent. Leaves petiolate, 7 – 20 × 6 – 15 cm, ovate, cordate with rounded auricles, shortly acuminate, both surfaces pubescent but abaxially more densely so and paler; petioles 5 – 18 cm, pubescent. Inflorescence of 1 – 3-flowered, axillary cymes; peduncles 0 – 4 mm; bracteoles deltoid, up to 8 mm long; pedicels 15 – 40 mm, unequal in length, thinly pilose; sepals unequal, outer 15 – 25 × 3 – 4 mm, lanceolate or narrowly ovate, acuminate, covered in soft spines, which diminish towards the apex, thinly pilose with white hairs, inner sepals 12 – 16 mm, lanceolate, terminating in a long mucro, thinly pilose but nearly spineless, margins scarious; corolla c. 7 cm, funnel-shaped, cream or white, glabrous outside, limb slightly lobed, c. 5 cm diam. Capsule and seeds unknown.

Ipomoea echioides Choisy

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Ipomoea eggersiana Peter


Ipomoea elongata Choisy

Ipomoea emeiensis Z.Y. Zhu


Ipomoea eremnobrocha D.F. Austin

Ipomoea eriocarpa R. Br.

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**Ipomoea fastigiata (Roxb.) Sweet


Ipomoea ficifolia Lindl.

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Ipomoea fiebrigii Hassl. ex O’Donell

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Ipomoea filipedunculata Rusby


Ipomoea fimbriosepala Choisy

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Key: Annual; bracteoles 3 – 5 mm wide; corolla 2.5 – 3.5 cm long

Ipomoea fimbriosepala Choisy (1845: 559). Type: Cultivated plants from Madagascar, Lindley (syntype CGE 14254) and Mauritius, Bouton s.n. (syntype G00135515).

Twining annual herb, young stems glabrous, older stems setose. Leaves petiolate, 4 – 9 × 3 – 5 cm, narrowly (to broadly) deltoid, base sagittate to hastate, auricles acute to obtuse, glabrous, abaxially paler; petioles 2 – 7.5 cm. Inflorescence of 1 (– 2)-flowered axillary, pedunculate cymes; peduncles 0.5 – 3.5 cm; bracteoles 8 – 15 × 3 – 5 mm, ovate, acuminate to apiculate, membranous, pale green, moderately persistent; pedicels 1 – 2.5 cm; outer sepals 13 – 20 × 7 – 10 mm, ovate, apex finely mucronate, base truncate, abaxially 3-winged, the wings smooth or (especially below) dentate, inner sepals c. 5 mm shorter, unwinged; corolla 2.5 – 3.5 cm, funnel-shaped, pink, glabrous, limb c. 5 cm diam., shallowly lobed, the lobes acute. Capsule 12 – 15 × 12 – 14 mm, ovoid, glabrous, enclosed by the sepals, seeds 5 – 6 mm long, minutely tomentellous.


Ipomoea fistulosa Mart. ex Choisy

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Ipomoea flavivillosa Schulze-Menz

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Ipomoea floribunda Moric.


Ipomoea fruticosa Kuntze

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Ipomoea fuchsioides Griseb.

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Ipomoea fulvicaulis (Hochst. ex Choisy) Hallier f.

Ipomoea fulvicaulis var. asperifolia (Hallier f.) Verdc.

Ipomoea fulvicoma Hance


Ipomoea funis Schltdl. & Cham.

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Ipomoea funis var. langlassei (House) O’Donell


Ipomoea furcyensis Urb.

Ipomoea garckeana Vatke

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Ipomoea gentryi Standl.

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Ipomoea geophilifolia K. Afzel.

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Ipomoea gesnerioides J.A. McDonald

Ipomoea gigantea (Silva Manso) Choisy

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*Ipomoea githaginea Hochst. ex A. Rich.

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Ipomoea globosa (La Llave) Meisn.


Ipomoea gnaphalosperma Hochst. ex Choisy

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Ipomoea goyazensis

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Key: Peduncles and pedicels very short so flowers appear clustered in leaf axils; corolla tube white, the limb pink

Ipomoea goyazensis Gardner (1842b: t. 479). Type: not found at BM, K or OXF, possibly the original image.

Ipomoea decora Meisn. (Meisner 1869: 272). Type: Brazil. Goiás, Pohl 1760 (isotypes K!, OXF!).

Twining perennial liana to 6 m, stems rather thin but slightly woody, usually completely glabrous but rarely appressed pilose. Leaves petiolate, 4 – 12 × 3 – 10 cm, ovate-deltoid, obtuse and mucronate, both surfaces glabrous or pubescent, adaxially dark green, abaxially very pale with prominent venation; petiole rather short, 1.5 – 3.5 cm. Inflorescence of subsessile, clustered cymes; peduncles 1 – 6 mm, glabrous; bracteoles scale-like, caducous; pedicels 0 – 7 mm, glabrous; sepals subequal, 7 – 10 mm, elliptic, obtuse to rounded, concave, coriaceous, glabrous, whitish-green when fresh, inner sepals with scarious margins; corolla 5 – 6 cm, funnelshaped, gradually widened from base, glabrous, tube white, limb deep pink, weakly lobed, 2 – 2.5 cm diam. Capsule (immature), subglobose, glabrous.


Ipomoea gracilis R. Br.

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!Ipomoea grandiflora (L. f.) Lam.

Ipomoea grandifolia (Dammer) O’Donell

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Key: Ovary and capsule hirsute; sepals 9 – 11 mm long

Ipomoea grandifolia (Dammer) O’Donell (1952: 222).

Jacquemontia grandifolia Dammer (1897: 41). Type: Brazil, Rio de Janiero, Glaziou 11257 (holotype B†, isotypes C, K!).

This is distinguished from Ipomoea cordatotrilobata by the shorter corolla (1.5 – 2.5 cm long).

Ipomoea grantii Oliv.

Ipomoea granulosa Chodat & Hassl.


Ipomoea grayi Rose


Ipomoea guaranitica Chodat & Hassl.


Ipomoea habeliana Oliv.

Ipomoea haenkeana Choisy

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Key: Leaves oblong-obovate, abaxially grey-tomentose; sepals 7 mm long

Ipomoea haenkeana Choisy (1845: 358). Type: Bolivia, “Cochabamba”, T. Haenke (holotype BR006973261 ex Herb. Mart).

Erect perennial to 2 m, branched towards the apex, stems woody, tomentellous. Leaves subsessile, mostly 3 – 6 × 2 – 4 cm, oblong-obovate, apex rounded and apiculate, base rounded to truncate, slightly asymmetric, adaxially dark green and thinly pilose to subglabrous, abaxially grey-tomentose, petioles 0 – 4 mm. Inflorescence of shortly pedunculate cymes from the uppermost leaf axils forming a terminal panicle of raceme-like branches; peduncles 1 – 3 cm; bracteoles 9 – 12 × 1 – 2 mm, lanceolate, acute, ±persistent; pedicels 2 – 5 mm (so cymes very dense); sepals subequal, 7 – 9 × 3 – 4 mm, oblong-ovate, acuminate to shortly apiculate, grey-sericeous; corolla 3.5 – 4 cm, funnel-shaped, pale pink with a darker centre, pubescent outside, the limb 2.5 – 3.5 cmin diam. Capsule and seeds not known.

Ipomoea halierca I.M. Johnst.

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Ipomoea harlingii D.F. Austin


!Ipomoea hartwegii Benth.


Ipomoea hastigera var. hastigera

!Ipomoea hederacea Jacq.

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Ipomoea hederacea var. integriuscula A. Gray

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Ipomoea hederifolia L.

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Key: Outer sepals 1.5 – 3 mm long; fruiting capsule muticous, the style deciduous

Ipomoea hederifolia L. (Linnaeus 1759: 925). Type: “Ipomoea foliis cordatis” in Plumier in Burman, Pl. Amer. 4: 82, t. 93, f. 2 (1756), designated by O’Donell (1959a: 48).

Ipomoea coccinea auct., non L.

Twining annual, stems glabrous or thinly pilose. Leaves petiolate, 2 – 12 × 2 – 11 cm, variable in shape, most commonly 3-lobed to about half way, sometimes very shallowly lobed so leaf coarsely 3 – 5-dentate, sometimes simply ovate, apex acute or obtuse, mucronate, base cordate with obtuse auricles, glabrous to thinly pubescent; petioles mostly 1 – 6 cm. Inflorescence of pedunculate, axillary cymes; peduncles 5 – 15 cm long, bracteoles ovate, c. 1 mm, caducous; secondary peduncles 1 – 2.5 cm; pedicels 3 – 12 mm, remaining erect in fruit; sepals slightly unequal, oblong-elliptic, obtuse to rounded with a prominent awn, margins scarious, glabrous, outer sepals 1.5 – 3 mm with mucro mostly 2 – 5 mm long, inner slightly larger with broader scarious margins; corolla red, hypocrateriform, glabrous, the tube 2 – 4 cm long, slightly widened upwards, limb 1.8 – 2.5 cm diam., very shallowly lobed to entire, weakly spreading, acute; stamens exserted. Capsule 5 – 7 mm, subglobose, lacking an apical mucro, glabrous; seeds 3 – 4 mm long, shortly tomentose.

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!Ipomoea heptaphylla Sweet


*Ipomoea heptaphylla Griseb.

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Ipomoea hermanniae (L’Hér.) G. Don


Ipomoea herpeana Deroin

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Ipomoea heterodoxa Standl. & Steyerm.

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!Ipomoea heterophylla Ortega


Ipomoea heterophylla var. subcomosa House

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!Ipomoea heterotricha Didr.

*Ipomoea heterotricha Meisn.

Ipomoea hieronymi (Kuntze) O’Donell

Ipomoea hieronymi var. hieronymi


Ipomoea hieronymi var. kurtziana (O’Donell) O’Donell

Key: Sepals ovate, 9 – 11 mm long

Ipomoea hieronymi (Kuntze) O’Donell (1948: 171). Murucoa hieronymi Kuntze (1898: 217). Type: Argentina, Salta. San José, Lorentz & Hieronymus 220 (holotype B†, isotypes GOET!, CORD!).

Argyreia megapotamica Griseb. (Grisebach 1879: 263), non Ipomoea megapotamica Choisy (1845). Type: Argentina, Cordoba, Ascochinga, Lorentz s.n. (possible lectotype, fide O’Donell 1948: 179, CORD n.v.).

Ipomoea kurtziana O’Donell (1948: 179), nom. nov., based on Argyreia megapotamica Griseb.

Ipomoea hieronymi var. kurtziana (O’Donell) O’Donell (1959b: 163).

Vigorous perennial or liana, stems pubescent to tomentellous. Leaves petiolate, 4 – 10 (–15) × 4 – 10 (– 15) cm, ovate, cordate with rounded auricles, apex rounded and mucronate to acute or very shortly acuminate, adaxially dark green and densely puberulent, abaxially white-tomentose; petioles 2 – 11 cm, densely puberulent or tomentose. Inflorescence of longpedunculate axillary cymes, usually 3 – 5-flowered; peduncles 3 – 20 cm, tomentose, bracteoles 5 mm long, ovate, caducous; secondary peduncles mostly 6 – 10 mm; pedicels 5 – 12 mm, tomentose; sepals subequal, 9 – 11 × 6 – 7 mm, ovate, grey-tomentose, often with a dark gland at base, acute to obtuse, inner slightly shorter with scarious margins; corolla 4.5 – 7 cm, funnel-shaped, pink, tomentellous, limb c. 4 cm diam. Capsule ovoid, 8 – 10 mm long, glabrous, seeds 7 – 8 mm long, glabrous except sericeous angles.


Ipomoea hildebrandtii Vatke

Ipomoea hildebrandtii subsp. hildebrandtii

Ipomoea hintonii L.O. Williams

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Ipomoea hirsutissima Gardner

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Key: Sepals > 12 mm long, finely acuminate; plant densely covered in stiff spreading hairs

Ipomoea hirsutissima Gardner (1842a: t. 471). Type: Brazil, Gardner 3355 (holotype K!, isotype P!).

Ipomoea chrysotricha Meisn. var. boliviana Meisn. (Meisner 1869: 243). Type: Bolivia, Santiago de Chiquitos, A. D’Orbigny 928 (P03878901!, lectotype designated here).

Erect herb to about 40 cm with a large woody tuberous root, the whole plant densely pilose with rather stiff white hairs swollen at the base. Leaves subsessile, 3 – 8 × 1 – 3.5 cm, oblong – obcuneate, obtuse, base cuneate, both surfaces pilose, green; petioles 0 – 2 mm. Inflorescence of solitary (rarely paired), pedunculate axillary flowers arising from the upper leaf axils; peduncles 1 – 4 cm; bracteoles 10 – 25 × 1 – 1.5 mm, linear-lanceolate, finely acuminate, caducous; pedicels 3 – 6 mm; sepals slightly unequal, narrowly ovate, acuminate, pilose, 13 – 16 × 4 mm, inner sepals similar but with broad, glabrous margins; corolla 6 – 7 cm long, funnelshaped, gradually widened from base, pink, pilose, the hairs with dark bases, limb c. 5 cm diam., shallowly lobed. Capsule 12 × 5 mm, narrowly ovoid, glabrous; seeds 7 × 2 – 3 mm, dark brown, glabrous except for shortly pilose angles.

Ipomoea hirtifolia R.C. Fang & S.H. Huang


Ipomoea hochstetteri House

!Ipomoea holosericea Weinm.

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Ipomoea horsfalliae Hook.

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Ipomoea ignava House

Ipomoea igualensis Weath.

Ipomoea imperati (Vahl) Griseb.

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Ipomoea incarnata (Vahl) Choisy

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Key: Plant completely glabrous; sepals prominently veined, 17 – 21 mm long; corolla pink (very dry inter-Andean valleys)

Ipomoea incarnata (Vahl) Choisy (1845: 359).

Convolvulus incarnatus Vahl (1798: 12). Type: Curaçao, von Rohr (lectotype C10009675, designated here).

Creeping (rarely twining) perennial herb, stems glabrous. Leaves petiolate, 3.5 – 6 × 1 – 2 cm, deltoid, acute and apiculate, base sagittate with wide-spreading, usually acute auricles, both surfaces glabrous, abaxially paler, somewhat reticulate; petioles 1 – 3 cm. Inflorescence of 1 (– 2) shortly pedunculate flowers; peduncles 0.6 – 1.7 cm; bracteoles minute, filiform, caducous; pedicels 2.2 – 4 cm, prominently nerved; sepals subequal, 17 – 21 × 4 – 5 mm, lanceolate, acuminate to a fine aristate point, glabrous, chartaceous, veins prominent, inner sepals with scarious margins; corolla 7 – 8 cm long, funnel-shaped, pink, glabrous, limb 6 – 7 cm diam. Capsule ovoid, 9 – 10 mm long, glabrous; seeds 4 – 5 mm long, shortly pubescent.

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Ipomoea indica (Burm.) Merr.

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Key: Flowers arranged in a dense cluster, the pedicels < 7 mm long

Key: Flowers in clusters with persistent linear bracteoles

Ipomoea indica (Burm.) Merrill (1917: 445).

Convolvulus indicus Burm. (Burman 1755: 6). Type: Besler, Hort. Eyst. Aest. Ord. 8: t. 2 (1613), lectotype designated by Fosberg (1976).

Ipomoea congesta R. Br. (Brown 1810: 485). Type: Australia, Queensland, Cape York Penisular, Banks & Solander (holotype BM).

Ipomoea acuminata (Vahl) Roem. & Schult. (Roemer & Schultes 1819: 228), non Ipomoea acuminata Ruiz & Pavon (1799).

Convolvulus acuminatus Vahl (1794: 26). Type: not found at C.

Twining perennial herb, stems pubescent. Leaves petiolate, 11 × 11 cm, ovate or, commonly, shallowly 3- lobed, both forms sometimes on the same plant, apex acuminate and shortly mucronate, base cordate with rounded auricles, adaxially pubescent, abaxially paler, pubescent to grey-tomentose; petioles 2.5 – 7 cm. Inflorescence of axillary, pedunculate clusters; peduncles 5 – 9 cm, pubescent; bracteoles ± persistent, pubescent, usually narrowly linear-lanceolate, acuminate, 4 – 10 × 0.5 – 1 mm but sometimes oblong-elliptic, foliose and shortly petiolate, c. 15 – 30 × 4 – 15 mm; secondary peduncles 2 – 3mm; pedicels very short, 2 – 7mm; sepals subequal, 13 – 20 × 3 – 5 mm, narrowly ovate, finely acuminate, pubescent, often somewhat spreading at maturity; corolla 5 – 6 cm, funnel-shaped, deep blue with violet midpetaline bands, drying pink, glabrous, limb unlobed, 4 – 5 cm diam. Capsule subglobose, 8 – 10 mm diam., glabrous, 6-seeded; seeds black, 4 – 5 mm long, appearing glabrous but minutely tomentellous.

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Ipomoea indica var. acuminata (Vahl) Fosberg

Ipomoea indica var. variabilis (Schltdl. & Cham.) L.O. Williams

Ipomoea indivisa (Vell.) Hallier f.

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Key: Fruiting pedicels deflexed; leaves always unlobed

Ipomoea indivisa (Vell.) Hallier f. (Hallier 1922: 20)

Convolvulus indivisus Vell. (Vellozo 1825 [1829]: 71). Type: Icon., Flora Flumenesis tab 50. (Vellozo 1827 [1831]), lectotype, designated here.

Very similar to Ipomoea hederifolia and I. rubriflora, differing from both in always having unlobed leaves which may be either entire or dentate. In habit, indumentum, sepal dimensions and rostrate capsule it is similar to I. rubriflora but in fruit it is easily distinguished by the reflexed fruiting pedicels. Flowering specimens can sometimes be impossible to separate but I. rubriflora often has 3-lobed leaves, whereas in I. indivisa the leaves are always unlobed.

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Ipomoea intrapilosa Rose

Ipomoea invicta House


Ipomoea involucrata P. Beauv.

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Ipomoea involucrata var. involucrata

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Ipomoea involucrata var. operosa Verdc.


Ipomoea iostemma House

Ipomoea irwiniae Verdc.

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Ipomoea jacalana Matuda


Ipomoea jaegeri Pilg.


!Ipomoea jalapa (L.) Pursh

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Ipomoea jamaicensis G. Don

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Ipomoea jicama Brandegee

Ipomoea jujuyensis O’Donell

Key: Stamens 4 – 5 cm long; leaf auricles not overlapping; pedicels pubescent; plant usually climbing

Ipomoea jujuyensis O’Donell (1948: 174). Type: Argentina, Jujuy, Lagunas de Yala, O’Donell 4835 (holotype LIL 182934!).

Twining perennial to 6 m from a tuberous rootstock, stems pubescent to subhispid. Leaves petiolate, 5 – 15 × 3.5 – 9 cm, ovate, shortly acuminate, cordate with rounded auricles, thinly adpressed pubescent; petioles 2 – 10 cm, pubescent. Inflorescence of pedunculate axillary cymes with up to five flowers; peduncle 5 – 15 cm, pubescent, stout; bracteoles 2 – 3mmlong, broadly lanceolate, caducous; pedicels 1 – 2.5 cm, thickened upwards, stout, pubescent, often deflexed at maturity; sepals slightly unequal, rounded and emarginate, usually mucronulate, the margins scarious, outer 6 – 8 × 5 – 6 mm, elliptic, obtuse, thinly pubescent, inner 7 – 8 × 8 – 9 mm, suborbicular, glabrous; corolla 6.5 – 9 cm, funnel-shaped from a short basal tube, violet, glabrous, limb 4.5 – 6 cm diam., undulate. Capsule ovoid, rostrate, glabrous, seeds tomentellous.

Ipomoea keraudreniae Deroin

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Ipomoea killipiana O’Donell

Ipomoea kilwaensis Pilg.

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Ipomoea kituiensis Vatke

Ipomoea kituiensis var. kituiensis

Ipomoea kotschyana Hochst. ex Choisy

Ipomoea kunthiana Meisn.

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!Ipomoea lachnaea Spreng.

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Ipomoea laciniata (Dalzell) C.B. Clarke


Ipomoea lacunosa L.

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Ipomoea laeta A. Gray

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Ipomoea lanata E.A. Bruce

Ipomoea lanuginosa O’Donell

Ipomoea lapathifolia Hallier f.

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Ipomoea lapathifolia var. bussei (Pilg.) Verdc.

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Ipomoea lapathifolia var. lapathifolia

Ipomoea lenis House

Ipomoea leprieurii D.F. Austin

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Ipomoea leptophylla Torr.

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Ipomoea leptotoma Torr.

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*Ipomoea × leucantha Jacq.

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!Ipomoea × leucantha Jacq.

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Ipomoea leucotricha Donn. Sm.

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Ipomoea lilloana O’Donell

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Key: Seeds woolly; leaves dark green, undulate. Inter-Andean valleys

Ipomoea lilloana O’Donell (1948: 182). Type: Argentina, Salta, Dep. Campo Santo, Juramento, C. O’Donell 4910 (holotype LIL!).

Trailing perennial herb, stems sparsely pubescent, somewhat stout and slightly fleshy, up to 2 m long, rootstock stout, tuberous. Leaves petiolate, 3 – 7 × 3 – 7 cm, ovate-deltoid, ovate or suborbicular, obtuse to acute, base broadly cordate to subtruncate, the margin undulate to dentate, white-canescent when young but when mature adaxially dark green and glabrous, abaxially puberulent especially on the veins; petioles 1.5 – 3.5 cm, thinly pubescent. Inflorescence of shortly pedunculate 1 – 3-flowered cymes; peduncles 1 – 7.5 cm; bracteoles not known, fugacious; pedicels 5 – 10 mm; sepals slightly unequal, 8 – 10 × 6 – 7 mm at anthesis but accrescent to 13 mm in fruit, ovate-elliptic, pubescent, outer sepals subacute, inner sepals slightly longer, scarious-margined, obtuse to rounded, sometimes mucronate; corolla 4 – 7 cm, funnel-shaped, pink, densely adpressed pilose, limb 5 – 6.5 cmdiam., unlobed. Capsule 1.5 × 0.8mm, ovoid, acute to rostrate, glabrous; seeds 9 × 4 mm, densely woolly.


Ipomoea lindenii M. Martens & Galeotti

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Ipomoea lindheimeri A. Gray

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Ipomoea linearifolia Hook. f.


Ipomoea linosepala subsp. alpina (Rendle) Lejoly & Lisowski

!Ipomoea littoralis Blume

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Ipomoea lobata (Cerv.) Thell.

Key: Corolla suburceolate, limb reduced to 5 tooth-like lobes

Ipomoea lobata (Cerv.) Thell. (Thellung 1919: 775).

Mina lobata Cerv. (Cervantes 1824: 3). Type: Cultivated plant from Mexico (holotype G).

Annual twining herb, stem usually glabrous. Leaves petiolate, 3 – 12 × 2.5 – 10 cm, ovate or, more commonly 3-lobed to about half way, base cordate with rounded auricles, apex shortly acuminate, obtuse and mucronate, near glabrous but sometimes puberulent on the veins beneath, abaxially paler; petioles 2 – 5 cm. Inflorescence of long-pedunculate axillary cymes appearing to form an elongate bifurcate raceme; peduncles (5 –) 10 – 16 (– 30) cm; rhachis above branching point, (2 –) 8 – 12 cm; bracteoles 1 – 2 mm, linear-lanceolate, moderately persistent; pedicels slender, 2 – 6 mm, longer below; sepals dissimilar, glabrous or, occasionally, thinly pilose, outer oblong-ovate, 2 – 3 × 1.5 mm with terminal awn 2 – 4 mm long, inner sepals with broader base, elliptic, 3 – 3.5 × 2 mmand awn 2 – 4 mm long; corolla tubular, curved, suburceolate, 1.8 – 2.5 cm long, yellow, red or orange, limb formed of 5 small tooth-like lobes; stamens strongly exserted; style exserted. Capsules subglobose, 7 mm diam., glabrous; seeds 4 mm long, pubescent with hairs in patches.

Ipomoea lonchophylla J.M. Black

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Ipomoea longeramosa Choisy


Ipomoea longifolia Benth.

!Ipomoea longipedunculata (M. Martens & Galeotti) Hemsl.

Ipomoea longistaminea O’Donell

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Ipomoea longituba Hallier f.

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Ipomoea lottiae J.A. McDonald

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Ipomoea lozanii Painter


Ipomoea lutea Hemsl.

Ipomoea luteoviridis Ekman & Leonard

Ipomoea macdonaldii E. Carranza

Ipomoea macedoi Hoehne

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!Ipomoea macrantha Roem. & Schult.

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Ipomoea macrocalyx (Ruiz & Pav.) Choisy


Ipomoea macrorhiza Michx.


Ipomoea macrosiphon Hallier f.

Ipomoea madrensis S. Watson

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Ipomoea magniflora O’Donell

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Ipomoea magnifolia Rusby

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Key: Outer sepals 12 – 17 mm long, longer than the inner sepals; cymes long-pedunculate, peduncles 8 – 30 cm long

Key: Sepals pubescent

Ipomoea magnifolia Rusby (1896: 84). Type: Bolivia, Cochabamba, Espiritu Santo, M. Bang 1277 (lectotype NY, barcode 319197, designated here; isolectotypes: K, MO, NY, US barcode 0111417).

Vigorous liana to 7 m, stems pubescent. Leaves petiolate, very large, 11 – 20 × 7 – 20 cm, ovate (rarely shallowly 3-lobed), acuminate to a fine point, cordate with rounded auricles, thinly to densely adpressed pubescent on both surfaces; petioles 5 – 15 cm, pubescent. Inflorescence of long-pedunculate, axillary, rather compact cymes, peduncle 8 – 30 cm, pubescent; bracteoles 10 – 11 mm, linear or filiform, finely acuminate, caducous; secondary peduncles 1 – 1.5 (– 10) cm, pedicels 3 – 14 mm, pubescent; sepals very unequal, somewhat variable in shape and size, outer sepals 12 – 17 × 4 – 5 mm, broadly lanceolate, acuminate, the tips usually recurved, pilose to glabrous, inner sepals 7 – 10 × 3 – 4 mm, oblong, obtuse or acute, sometimes mucronate, pilose to merely ciliate, margin scarious; corolla 7 – 9 cm long, mauve, funnel-shaped with broad tube, in bud pubescent but glabrescent later, limb 5 – 6 cmdiam. Capsule and seeds not seen.

Ipomoea mairetii Choisy

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Ipomoea malpighipila O’Donell

Ipomoea malvaeoides Meisn.

Ipomoea malvaeoides var. argentea O’Donell


Ipomoea malvaeoides var. heterophylla Hallier f.


Ipomoea malvaeoides var. integrifolia Chodat & Hassl.

Ipomoea malvaeoides var. lineariloba Hallier

Ipomoea marcellia Meisn.

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Ipomoea marginata (Desr.) Verdc.

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Ipomoea marginisepala O’Donell

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Key: Peduncle not passing through the sinus of leaf base; sepals acute, always smooth

Key: Corolla 2.5 – 4 cm long (Native species of Inter-Andean valleys)

Ipomoea marginisepala O’Donell (1950c: 490). Type: Argentina, Tucuman, Dep. Tafí, Cerro Aconquija, Sotelo 415 (holotype LIL).

Relatively weak, probably annual, twining herb, glabrous in all parts. Leaves petiolate, 3 – 9 × 2.5 – 7 cm, ovate, cordate with rounded auricles, acuminate to a fine point, margins undulate; petioles 3 – 8 (– 12) cm, somewhat warted. Inflorescence of pedunculate, axillary cymes, often with only 2 fully developed flowers; peduncle relatively stout, 2 – 15 cm; bracteoles 1 – 3 mm, deltoid, fugacious; secondary peduncles 0.8 – 1.5 cm; pedicels mostly 20 – 30 mm, slightly swollen upwards; sepals subequal, 5 – 6 × 3 mm, oblong-lanceolate, acute, dark green with white margin; corolla 2.5 – 4 cm, funnelshaped, glabrous, tube white, yellowish inside, limb blue, c. 3 cm diam., unlobed. Capsule ovoid, 7 mm wide, 8 mm long, rostrate with a beak 3 – 5 mm long, glabrous; seeds 6 – 7 mm long, appearing glabrous but minutely tomentellous under a microscope.

Ipomoea maritima (Desr.) R. Br.

*Ipomoea martii Meisn.

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Ipomoea maurandioides Meisn.

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Key: Small-leaved plant of rock outcrops and dry cerrado; outer sepals smooth; corolla 4 – 6 cm long

Ipomoea maurandioides Meisn. (Meisner 1869: 275). Type: Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Sello 3619 (B†, image F!).

Trailing or twining herb from central tap root, stems glabrous to thinly pubescent. Leaves petiolate, 3 – 5 × 1 – 5 cm, narrowly ovate-deltoid, acute, sagittate or cordate, the auricles acute to obtuse (rarely rounded), green on both surfaces, glabrous (rarely thinly pubescent); petioles 1 – 2 (– 3.5) cm. Inflorescence of solitary, axillary, pedunculate flowers (rarely in 2 – 3-flowered cymes); peduncles 0.5 – 4.5; bracteoles minute, c. 1 mm long, deltoid, caducous; secondary peduncles (if present) 7 – 17 mm; pedicels 5 – 21 mm; sepals unequal, glabrous, outer 5 – 8 mm, broadly oblong-lanceolate or oblong-ovate, obtuse, greenish-scarious, 3-veined; inner 9 – 12 mm, oblong-oblanceolate, rounded and often mucronulate, with broad scarious margins. Corolla 4 – 6 cm, pink, funnel-shaped, glabrous, limb 3.5 – 4 cm diam., unlobed. Capsule 12 × 6 mm, ovoid, glabrous; seeds 6 × 2.5 mm, blackish, tomentellous.

*Ipomoea mauritiana Jacq.

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!Ipomoea mauritiana Jacq.

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Key: Leaves large, 5 – 14 × 6 – 16 cm; wetlands in tropical lowlands

Ipomoea mauritiana Jacq. (Jacquin 1790 [publ. 1791]: 216). Type: plant cultivated in Vienna, probably not preserved.

Ipomoea pedata G. Don (1838: 281). Type: Ecuador, Guayaquil, Ruiz & Pavon (lectotype MA 814670, designated here, isolectotype MA 814671).

Vigorous creeping or climbing perennial, stems somewhat woody, winged when old, glabrous. Leaves petiolate, 5 – 14 × 6 – 16 cm, 5-lobed to about two thirds, base shallowly cordate to truncate and cuneate onto the petiole, lobes elliptic, narrowed at both ends, apex obtuse, both surfaces glabrous, abaxially paler; petioles 2 – 6 cm, usually glabrous. Inflorescence of pedunculate axillary, occasionally compound cymes; peduncles 3 – 13 cm, glabrous or puberulent; bracteoles 6 mm, linear, caducous; secondary peduncles (if present), 5 – 15 mm; pedicels 5 – 22 mm, puberulent; calyx subglobose; sepals slightly unequal, elliptic, concave, coriaceous with a very narrow scarious margin, glabrous or puberulent near base, 7 – 10 × 5 – 6 mm, the outer obtuse, the inner rounded; corolla 5 – 6 cm, inflated above a narrow basal tube, pink, glabrous, limb c. 3 cm diam. Capsule 10 – 15 × 6 – 10 mm, ovoid, glabrous; seeds 6 mmlong, lanate.

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Ipomoea maxima Don ex Sweet

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Ipomoea mcvaughii McPherson

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Ipomoea megapotamica Choisy

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Key: Sepals tomentellous, often with a black gland near base

Ipomoea megapotamica Choisy (1845: 375). Type: “Uruguay” (possibly South Brazil fide O’Donell 1948: 182), Otto s.n. (syntype B, not found, presumably destroyed in 1943), neotype: Brazil, Mato Grosso do Sul, Terrenos, G. Hatschbach 23711 (NY0101991, designated here, isoneotypes F, MBM).

Ipomoea subalata Hassl. (Hassler 1911: 157), synon. nov. Type: Paraguay, San Luis, K. Fiebrig 4485 p.p. (holotype G00175183, isotype G00175182).

Twining perennial herb reaching 2 m, stems thinly pubescent to subglabrous. Leaves petiolate, 4 – 10 × 4 – 10 cm, broadly ovate, cordate, acute and apiculate, minutely scabridulous to thinly appressed pubescent on both surfaces, abaxially paler, often dark gland-dotted; petioles 2.5 – 5 cm. Inflorescence of long pedunculate,manyflowered, lax, compound cymes; peduncles 2.5 – 20 cm, glabrous to puberulent; bracteoles linear, 3 – 4 mm, caducous; secondary peduncles 1 – 5.5 cm; tertiary peduncles 1 – 1.5 cm; quaternary peduncles 0.5 – 1 cm; pedicels 3 – 5 mm long, puberulent; sepals 6 – 7 mm, ovate, acute, the apex erect (slightly bent backwards), concave, tomentellous, often dotted with dark glands; corolla 4.5 – 6 cm, pale pink with a darker centre, pubescent, funnel-shaped, limb 3 – 4 cmdiam.,unlobed. Capsule glabrous, style persistent in fruit; seeds not seen.


Ipomoea melanotricha Brandegee

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Ipomoea mexicana A. Gray

Ipomoea meyeri (Spreng.) G. Don

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Ipomoea microcalyx Schulze-Menz

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Ipomoea microdactyla Griseb.

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Ipomoea microsepala Benth.

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Ipomoea minuta R.E. Fr.

Ipomoea minutiflora (M. Martens & Galeotti) House

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Ipomoea miquihuanensis J.A. McDonald

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Ipomoea mirandina (Pittier) O’Donell

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Ipomoea mombassana Vatke

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Ipomoea monosperma Sprengel ex Choisy

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Ipomoea morongii Britton

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Ipomoea muelleri Benth.

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Ipomoea × multifida (Raf.) Shinners


*Ipomoea muricata Cav.

!Ipomoea muricata (L.) Jacq.

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Key: Corolla lilac, gradually widened above basal cylindrical tube, stamens included; outer sepals 10 – 14 mm long including awn

Ipomoea muricata (L.) Jacq. (Jacquin 1798: 40).

Convolvulus muricatus L. (Linnaeus 1767: 44). Type: India, Broad s.n. (Linn 218.18, lectotype, designated by Verdcourt inHubbard&Milne-Redhead (1963: 130)).

Ipomoea turbinata Lag. (Lagasca y Segura 1816: Pl. 10), nom. illeg., superfluous.

Vigorous annual climbing or trailing plant; stems stout, armed with soft herbaceous spines. Leaves petiolate, 7 – 18 × 6 – 17 cm, ovate or, rarely, 3-lobed, cordate with rounded auricles, apex shortly acuminate, glabrous; petioles 3 – 15 cm. Inflorescence of 1 – 2 (– 5)-flowered, pedunculate cymes; peduncles 2.5 – 20 cm, usually long, but, if short, commonly with soft spines; bracteoles caducous; pedicels 1.5 – 4.5 cm, stout and strongly swollen upwards; sepals unequal, accrescent in fruit, glabrous, white with green midrib, outer 10 – 14 mm, narrowly ovate, attenuate into a point up to 7 mm long, inner 7 – 12 mm, broadly ovate, abruptly narrowed to an awn 3 – 4 mm long; corolla dark lilac, 5 – 6 cm long, glabrous, tube narrowly cylindrical below but widened to 10 mm below limb, limb c. 4 cm diam., spreading, unlobed. Capsule ovoid, 1.5 – 2 cm long and wide, glabrous, rostrate, the persistent style c. 3 mm long; seeds 8 – 10 mm long, glabrous.

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Ipomoea muricata fo. alba Woodson & Seibert

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Ipomoea murucoides Roem. & Schult.

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Ipomoea mutabilis Ker Gawl.


Ipomoea nationis (Hook.) G. Nicholson


Ipomoea neei (Spreng.) O’Donell

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Ipomoea neurocephala Hallier f.

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Key: Bracteoles ovate, 7 – 24 mm wide, pale green with prominent dark veins forming an involucre round the flowers

Ipomoea neurocephala Hallier f. (Hallier 1899a: 40). Type: Bolivia, Sorata, G. Mandon 1489 (holotype B†; isotype K!)

Ipomoea sawyeri D. F. Austin (1991: 93), synon. nov. Type: Peru, Puno, F. de la Puente 3271 (holotype not received at US; isotypes FAU, now Fairchild FTG!, CIP in Lima!).

Twining, probably annual herb, stems hispid-pilose. Leaves petiolate, 2.5 – 7.5 × 2 – 8 cm, ovate, shallowly cordate and broadly cuneate onto the petiole, auricles rounded, apex shortly acuminate, both surfaces appressed pilose, abaxially paler; petioles 2 – 8 cm, hispid-pilose. Inflorescence of dense pedunculate axillary heads with 1 – 5 flowers; peduncles 2 – 12 cm, hispid-pilose; bracteoles 7 – 20 × 7 – 24 mm (but smaller inside head), ovate, acuminate, pale green with prominent dark green veins, persistent, forming an involucre around the flowers; pedicels 1 – 3mm; sepals long-pilose, dissimilar, outer 12 – 14 × 4 – 5 mm, ovate, acuminate to an obtuse apex, inner linear-lanceolate, 9 × 2 mm; corolla 2 – 3.5 (– 5) cm, pilose with very long hairs, narrowly funnel-shaped, tube pale with dark midpetaline bands, limb mauve, weakly lobed, c. 1.5 cm in diam. Capsule ovoid, glabrous, seeds minutely puberulent.

Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth

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Key: Corolla pale blue; sepals 15 – 32 mm, tapering to a long linear point, densely pilose, especially near base

Ipomoea nil (L.) Roth (1797: 36).

Convolvulus nil L. (Linnaeus 1762: 219). Type: “Convolvulus caeruleus, hederaceo folio..”, Dillenius, Hort. Eltham. 1: 96, t. 80, f. 91 (1732), designated by Verdcourt (1957: 232 – 233).

Trailing or twining herb, stems roughly pilose. Leaves petiolate, 3 – 12 × 3 – 14 cm, 3-lobed, the lobes typically ovate, abruptly narrowed to an acute or very shortly acuminate apex, base cordate, thinly to densely pubescent on both surfaces, paler beneath; petioles 1.5 – 7 cm. Inflorescence of pedunculate axillary compact cymes, sometimes reduced to 1 – 2 flowers; peduncles 0.5 – 18 cm, usually pilose; bracteoles 3 –7mm, filiform, relatively persistent; secondary peduncles 3 – 8 mm; pedicels 3 – 10 mm; sepals 15 – 32 mm, lanceolate, tapering into a long linear point, densely pilose with bulbous-based hairs, especially near the base; corolla 3.5 – 4.5 cm, funnel-shaped, glabrous, tube white, limb blue, drying pink, 3 – 4 cm diam., unlobed. Capsule 7 – 10 × 6 mm, subglobose, glabrous, style slender, persistent; seeds puberulent.

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!Ipomoea nitida Griseb.

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Ipomoea nyctaginea var. cordifolia Choisy


*Ipomoea nymphaeifolia Griseb.

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Ipomoea oblongata E. Mey. ex Choisy

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!Ipomoea obscura (L.) Ker Gawl.

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Ipomoea obscura var. obscura


Ipomoea obscura var. sagittifolia Verdc.

Ipomoea obtusata Griseb.


Ipomoea ochracea (Lindl.) G. Don

Ipomoea ochroleuca Span.


Ipomoea oenotherae Hallier f.

*Ipomoea oligantha Choisy


Ipomoea ophiodes Standl. & Steyerm.

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Ipomoea opulifolia Rusby

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Key: Leaf lobes gradually narrowed to a fine acuminate point; sepals and abaxial surface of leaves greysericeous

Ipomoea opulifolia Rusby (1899: 150). Type: Bolivia, H. H. Rusby 1999 (holotype NY).

Vigorous species 3 – 4 m high, stems relatively stout, adpressed pilose. Leaves petiolate, 5 – 14 × 4 – 16 cm, 3- lobed, cut to about half way, apex shortly acuminate and mucronate, base broadly cuneate to subtruncate with rounded auricles, central lobe slightly narrowed to base, adaxially punctate with hair bases and scattered hairs, abaxially softly adpressed silvery-grey pilose, usually gland-dotted; petioles 2 – 11 cm, pubescent. Inflorescence of lax pedunculate, axillary cymes; peduncles 2 – 10 cm, densely pubescent; bracteoles 2 mm, scale-like, silverypilose, caducous; secondary peduncles 1.5 cm; pedicels 7 – 8 mm, densely silvery-pilose; sepals slightly unequal, sericeous, outer 10 – 11 × 4 – 6 mm, ovate, acute, greysericeous, the inner sepals c. 6 mm wide. oblong-elliptic, rounded to truncate, the margin scarious and glabrous; corolla 7 – 8 cm long, funnel-shaped, mauve, sericeous, limb c. 4 cm diam. Capsule and seeds not known.

Ipomoea oranensis O’Donell

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Key: Corolla funnel-shaped; stamens included

Ipomoea oranensis O’Donell (1948: 185). Type: Argentina, Salta, Dep. Orán, San Andrés, Pierotti 280 (holotype LIL!).

Ipomoea santacrucensis O’Donell (1952: 237). Type: Santa Cruz, Camiri, M. Cardenas 4258 (holotype LIL!; isotype US!).

Vigorous twining perennial, stems thinly to densely pubescent with stellate and simple hairs. Leaves petiolate, 4 – 15 × 2 – 9 cm, ovate-deltoid (rarely 3-lobed to half way), shortly acuminate and mucronate, base shallowly cordate to truncate and broadly cuneate onto the petiole, adaxially thinly pubescent, abaxially grey-tomentose; petioles 1 – 7 cm, tomentellous. Inflorescence of lax, axillary, often compound, pedunculate cymes; peduncles 3 – 11.5 cm, tomentose; bracteoles 5 – 10 mm, filiform, tomentose, caducous; secondary peduncles 1.5 – 2 cm; tertiary peduncles, slightly shorter; pedicels 0.5 – 2 cm, pubescent to tomentose; sepals coriaceous, somewhat unequal, outer sepals 6 – 11 × 5 – 7 mm, elliptic, obtuse, concave, entirely glabrous or pubescent in the lower half only, margins scarious; inner sepals 7.5 – 12 mm, slightly broader and rounded; corolla 4.5 – 7 cm, funnel-shaped, pink, glabrous, limb 4 – 5 cm diam., shallowly lobed. Capsule 14 – 15 × 12 – 13 mm, suborbicular, glabrous; seeds 7 × 4 mm, long-pilose.

Ipomoea orizabensis (G. Pelletan) Ledeb. ex Steud.

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Ipomoea orizabensis var. collina (House) J.A. McDonald

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Ipomoea orizabensis var. orizabensis

Ipomoea ornithopoda B.L. Rob.

Ipomoea ovata E. Mey. ex Rendle

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Ipomoea padillae O’Donell

Ipomoea painteri House


Ipomoea palmata Forssk.

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Ipomoea palmeri var. platyphylla Fernald

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Ipomoea paludosa O’Donell

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!Ipomoea pandurata (L.) G. Mey.

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*Ipomoea paniculata (L.) R. Br.

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Ipomoea paolii Chiov.

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Ipomoea papilio Hallier f.

Ipomoea paraguariensis Peter


Ipomoea parasitica (Kunth) G. Don

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Key: Sepals lacking white margins; corolla bluish with a white tube, lobed; stem often with fleshy teeth, never with corky bark

Ipomoea parasitica (Kunth) G. Don (1838: 275).

Convolvulus parasiticus Kunth (1818 [publ. 1819]: 103). Type: Venezuela, near Caracas, Humboldt & Bonpland s.n. (holotype P 00670753!).

Perennial twining herb to 7 m; stem rather stout and with scattered soft spines, branches rigid. Leaves petiolate, 3 – 10 × 2 – 9 cm, ovate, cordate with rounded auricles, apex finely acuminate, abaxially paler, usually adaxially thinly pubescent, sometimes glabrous; petioles 3 – 5 cm, puberulent. Inflorescence of pedunculate, axillary cymes; peduncles stout, 3 – 5 cm; bracteoles 3 mm, linear-lanceolate, caducous; secondary peduncles 4 – 6 mm; pedicels 15 – 22 mm, stout, thinly puberulent, spreading at a wide angle and often reflexed in fruit; sepals slightly unequal, broadly elliptic with wide scarious margins, outer 6 – 7 × 5 mm, obtuse and mucronate, abaxially with a few hairs, inner sepals similar but rounded and minutely mucronulate, glabrous; corolla sericeous in bud, 2.5 – 4 cm long, funnel-shaped, tube white outside, yellow inside, limb blue (drying pink), c. 3 cm diam., deeply lobed. Capsule 7 – 12 × 5 mm, glabrous, ovoid, acute above a small apical corona; seeds 6 – 7 mm, brown, glabrous.

Ipomoea pauciflora M. Martens & Galeotti

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Ipomoea pauciflora subsp. vargasiana (O’Donell) McPherson

Ipomoea paulistana Stellfeld

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Key: Leaves green, pubescent, imbricate, diminishing in size upward; corolla limb only weakly lobed

Ipomoea paulistana (Silva Manso) Stellfeld (1945: 86).

Convolvulus paulistanus Silva Manso (1836: 17). Type: not specified, Brazil, Mato Grosso, Cuyaba, Silva Manso & Lhotsky 32 (G 00135526, lectotype, designated here),

Ipomoea echioides Choisy (1838: 54), synon. nov. Type: Brazil. Mato Grosso, Serra-Nov, Silva Manso & Lhotsky 32 (syntype G 00135526).

Erect herb to c. 0.75 cm, usually unbranched, stems pubescent, often leafless below. Leaves sessile, numerous, imbricate, 0.5 – 6 (– 13) × 0.1 – 0.5 (– 1.2) cm, diminishing in size upwards, linear-oblong, base narrowly cuneate, apex acute, mucronate, margins commonly inrolled, both surfaces densely softly pilose or pubescent. Inflorescence terminal, ±racemose in appearance, up to 30 cm long, formed of cymes, which are often reduced to solitary flowers arising in the axils of the leaf-like bracts; peduncles 0 – 3 cm (often absent), erect; bracteoles 3 – 10 mm, linear, pilose, deciduous; pedicels 2 – 6 mm; sepals 5 – 7mm, subequal, elliptic, usually truncate, rigid, concave, the outer pubescent, acute, the inner subglabrous; corolla 5 – 6 cm, pink, funnel-shaped, glabrous, limb 3 – 4 cm diam., weakly lobed. Capsule globose, 4 – 5 mm diam., glabrous, apex shortly rostrate, the dead style remaining until the fruit matures; seeds c. 3 mm, long-pilose.


Ipomoea pearceana Kuntze


Ipomoea pedata Poiteau ex Choisy

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Ipomoea pedatisecta M. Martens & Galeotti


Ipomoea pedicellaris Benth.

!Ipomoea peduncularis Bertol.

**Ipomoea pentaphylla (L.) Jacq.

Ipomoea peredoi O’Donell


Ipomoea perrieri Deroin

Ipomoea peruviana O’Donell

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!Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br.

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Ipomoea pes-caprae subsp. brasiliensis (L.) Ooststr.

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Ipomoea pes-caprae var. emarginata Hallier f.

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Ipomoea pestigridis var. capitellata Cl.

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Ipomoea pes-tigridis L.

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Ipomoea pes-tigridis var. capitella Clarke

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Ipomoea petaloidea Choisy

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!Ipomoea philomega (Vell.) House

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Key: Sepals 10 – 14 mm wide, commonly reddish-brown; corolla 5 – 6 cm, glabrous; inflorescence commonly muchbranched

Ipomoea philomega (Vell.) House (1908: 246).

Convolvulus philomega Vell. (Vellozo 1825 [publ. 1829]: 74). Type: Vellozo, Fl. Flumin. 2 t. 63 (1827 [publ. 1831]), lectotype, designated by D. Austin 1982).

Ipomoea cardiosepala Meisn. (Meisner 1869: 265). Type: Brazil, Rio de Janiero, Burchell 1865 (holotype BR, isotype K!).

Liana to 10 m; stems thick, woody, glabrous. Leaves petiolate, 7 – 13 × 7 – 12 cm, broadly ovate, shallowly cordate with rounded auricles, apex acute or shortly acuminate, shortly mucronate, adaxially glabrous, abaxially thinly pubescent, or glabrous; petioles 6 – 10 cm. Inflorescence of many-flowered, pedunculate axillary cymes, these often appearing paniculate or racemose with peduncle extended to forma central rhachis; peduncle 3 – 20 cm long, stout, glabrous; bracteoles 17 – 19 × 3 – 8 mm, oblong to narrowly obovate, acute, deciduous; secondary peduncles 1 – 3 cm; pedicels 5 – 30 mm, thickened upwards; sepals subequal, glabrous or (rarely) pubescent, 12 – 17 × 10 – 14 mm, outer oblong-elliptic, rounded, often reddish, inner obovate with scarious margins; corolla 5 – 6 cm, deep pink, glabrous, narrowly funnel-shaped with a narrow tube which is slightly constricted below limb, limb c. 4 cm diam., unlobed. Capsule ovoid, 13 × 10 mm, glabrous; seeds 6 × 3 mm, woolly.

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*Ipomoea phyllomega House


Ipomoea pileata Roxb.

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*Ipomoea pilosa Sweet

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Ipomoea pinifolia Meisn.

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Key: Leaves linear, 1 – 3 mm wide

Ipomoea pinifolia Meisn. (Meisner 1869: 250). Type: Brazil, Burchell 6700-7 (lectotype BR 0000005837731!, designated here, isolectotype K!).

Wiry perennial of cerrado, occasionally leafless, rootstock a xylopodium, stems glabrous, woody, often simple and erect to 1.5 m but sometimes branched and then branches spreading or twining apically. Leaves sessile, very variable in length 2 – 14 × 0.1 – 0.3 cm, linear-filiform, acute, glabrous. Inflorescence of 1 (– 5)-flowered axillary cymes from the upper leaf axils, sometimes clustered apically but more commonly forming a long narrow raceme-like inflorescence up to 30 cm long; peduncles 0 – 8 (– 21) mm, bracteoles caducous, scale-like, secondary peduncles (if present) up to 4 mm; pedicels 7 – 10 (– 15) mm; sepals coriaceous, concave, very unequal, outermost 2 – 6 mm, elliptic to suborbicular, obtuse to rounded, often minutelymucronate, inner 7 – 12mm, oblong to elliptic, obtuse to rounded, margins broad, scarious; corolla 3 – 4.5 mm, glabrous, pink, gradually widened from base, the limb 3 – 3.5 cm diam., undulate, the midpetaline bands ending in teeth. Capsule glabrous, seeds reported to be pilose.

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Ipomoea piresii O’Donell

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Ipomoea pittieri O’Donell


Ipomoea piurensis O’Donell

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Ipomoea platensis Ker Gawl.


Ipomoea plebeia R. Br.


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Ipomoea plebeia subsp. africana A. Meeuse


Ipomoea plummerae A. Gray

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Key: Small, high altitude species with corm-like rootstock; sepals muricate

Key: Small high altitude species with corm-like rootstock; leaves often bi- or trilobed; corolla < 3 cm long

Ipomoea plummerae A. Gray (1886: 434). Type: United States, Arizona, Lemmon 2839 (holotype GH!)

Ipomoea minuta R. E. Fr. (Fries 1905: 113). Type: Argentina, Jujuy, Santa Catalina, Kurtz 11437 (lectotype S, designated by McDonald (1997: 111).

Completely glabrous perennial herb with subterranean bulb-like root tuber; stems usually several, branched near base, decumbent or ascending, up to 30 cm long but often very short. Leaves petiolate, small, digitately divided into 5 – 7 segments, segments 3 – 30 × 1 – 3 mm, linear to linear-oblanceolate, obtuse and mucronate or (less commonly) simple, rhomboidal, basally cuneate but apically acute or 3-fid with acute lobes; petioles 3 – 15 mm. Flowers solitary, axillary, peduncles 5 – 12 (– 40) mm; bracteoles 1 – 2 mm, filiform; pedicels 1 – 4 mm; sepals slightly unequal, outer 5.5. – 7 mm, oblong, acute to obtuse, muricate, inner similar but 7 –9mmand with broad scarious margins and green, central, sometimes muricate midrib; corolla 2 – 3 cm long, glabrous, funnelshaped; tube dirty white, limb dark pink, c. 2 cm diam., unlobed. Capsule 6 – 7 mm long, subglobose, glabrous, the slender style persistent, 6-seeded; seeds 3 – 4 mm, dark brown, minutely tomentellous.


Ipomoea plummerae var. cuneifolia (A. Gray) J.F. Macbr.

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Ipomoea plummerae forma adiantifolia Ooststr. (Ooststroom 1933: 210). Type: Peru, Arequipa, A. Weberbauer 1561 (holotype B, n.v.)

Ipomoea minuta forma adiantifolia (Ooststr.) O’Donell (1959b: 193).

Ipomoea cuneifolia A. Gray (1886: 434), non I. cuneifolia Meisn. (Meisner 1869). Type: United States, Arizona, J. G. Lemmon 2837 (holotype GH!; isotypes CAS, F, MO, NY!, US!).

Ipomoea plummerae var. cuneifolia (A. Gray) J. F. Macbr. (Macbride 1931: 4).

Ipomoea plummerae forma rhombifolia Ooststr. (Ooststroom 1936: 221). Type: Bolivia, Potosi, Lagunillas, M. Cardenas 430 (lectotype US!, designated by McDonald (1995: 115).

Distinguished by rhomboidal leaves, 0.5 – 2 × 0.3 – 1.5 cm, basally cuneate but apically acute, entire, crenate or deeply 3 – 5-toothed or lobed. Usually growing with the type form but less common, only 14 of a total of 64 records of Ipomoea plummerae relate to this form.


Ipomoea plummerae var. plummerae


Ipomoea plummerae fo. rhombifolia Ooststr.


Ipomoea polpha R.W. Johnson


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Ipomoea polyantha Miq.


Ipomoea polyanthes Roem. & Schult.


Ipomoea polymorpha Roem. & Schult.

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Ipomoea polymorpha var. delphinioides Meisn.


Ipomoea populina House

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Ipomoea praecana House

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Ipomoea praematura Eckenw.

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Ipomoea pringlei A. Gray

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Ipomoea prismatosyphon Welw.


Ipomoea prismatosyphon var. prismatosyphon


Ipomoea prismatosyphon var. trifida Verdc.


Ipomoea procumbens Mart. & Choisy

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Ipomoea procumbens var. longepedunculata Chodat & Hassl.

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Key: Sepals smooth: leaves commonly < 1.5 cm wide

Ipomoea procumbens Mart. ex Choisy (1845: 351). Type: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Martius 593 (holotype M-0184989!).

Prostrate (or twining) herb, glabrous or nearly so in all parts, stems somewhat woody. Leaves shortly petiolate, 4 – 11 × 0.2 – 1.5 cm, narrowly oblong to oblong-elliptic or oblanceolate, acute, base attenuate, cuneate or broadly cuneate, petioles 5 – 10 mm. Inflorescence of solitary or paired, pedunculate, axillary flowers; peduncles 0.5 – 3.5 cm; bracteoles 2 mm, scale-like, caducous; pedicels 7 – 12 mm, thickened upwards; sepals unequal, scarious-margined, outer 9 – 11 mm, ovate or oblong-ovate, acute to obtuse andmucronate, inner 12 – 15 mm, oblong-elliptic, acute or obtuse; corolla 5.5 – 9 cm, funnel-shaped, gradually widened from a narrow base, pink, glabrous, limb unlobed, c. 3.5 cm diam. Capsule and seeds not seen.

Ipomoea procurrens Meisn.

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Ipomoea procurrens Meisn. (Meisner 1869: 254). Type: Brazil, Minas Gerais, 1845, Widgren 302 (lectotype BR!, designated here, isolectotypes K!, R!, S).

Decumbent, ascending or erect plant with xylopodium, stems somewhat woody, glabrous or, especially on young stems, shortly pubescent. Leaves very shortly petiolate, ovate or broadly oblong, apex obtuse and mucronulate, base broadly cuneate to rounded, slightly asymmetric, both surfaces usually glabrous, veins prominent abaxially; petioles 3 – 8 mm. Inflorescence of pedunculate, 1 – 3-flowered cymes from upper leaf axils; peduncles 2 – 30 mm, glabrous to densely pubescent, bracteoles 4 – 5 mm, narrowly deltoid; pedicels 5 – 20 mm, longer than peduncles, sometimes muricate; sepals somewhat unequal, outer sepals 7 – 13 mm, lanceolate to ovate, acuminate to obtuse and mucronate, muricate; inner sepals 11 – 18 × 4 – 6 mm, lanceolate to ovate, obtuse and mucronate; corolla 6 – 7 cm, funnel-shaped, pink, glabrous, limb c. 5 cm diam., unlobed. Capsule and seeds not seen.

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Ipomoea procurrens var. pilosula Chodat & Hassl.

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Key: Sepals muricate; leaves commonly > 1.5 cm wide

Ipomoea pseudomarginata Deroin


Ipomoea pseudomina K. Schum.


Ipomoea pterygocaulos Choisy

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Ipomoea pubescens Lam.

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Key: Sepals ovate, cordate at base

Ipomoea pubescens Lam. (Lamarck 1793: 465). Type: America (holotype P-LAM, P00357477!).

Low trailing or twining herb with slender stems, pubescent in all parts, rootstock a carrot-shaped tuber. Leaves petiolate, 2 – 6 (– 8) × 2 – 6 cm, ovate or, usually in Bolivia, 3 – 5-lobed to near base, lobes oblongelliptic, narrowed at both ends, acute, shortly mucronate, laterals sometimes shallowly lobed near base, base cordate with rounded auricles, both surfaces densely pubescent; petioles 1 – 2 cm, pubescent. Inflorescence of solitary or, occasionally paired, axillary flowers; peduncles 1 – 4 cm, pubescent; bracteoles 4 – 8 mm long, linear, persistent, pubescent; pedicels 2 – 6 mm, pubescent; sepals unequal, grey-pubescent or pilose, outer 12 – 22 × 6 – 10 mm, ovate, acuminate, base cordate, inner lanceolate, 2 – 4 mm wide; corolla 4 – 5 cm, funnel-shaped, glabrous, tube flushed reddish, limb purplish, c. 2 cm diam., unlobed but midpetaline bands terminating in a tooth. Capsule subglose, 8 mm long, glabrous, enclosed by sepals, 3- locular, 6-seeded; seeds 4 mm long, minutely tomentellous.


Ipomoea pulcherrima Ooststr.


Ipomoea puncticulata Benth.

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Ipomoea purga (Wender.) Hayne


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!Ipomoea purpurea (L.) Roth

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Ipomoea purpurea (L.) Roth (1787: 27).

Convolvulus purpureus L. (Linnaeus 1762: 219). Type: Dillenius, Hort. Eltham. 1: 100, t. 84, f. 97 (1732), designated by D. F. Austin (1975: 193).

Twining annual herb, stems pilose. Leaves petiolate, 3 – 8 (– 15) × 3.5 – 8 (– 14) cm, ovate (rarely 3-lobed to half way), shortly acuminate, cordate with rounded auricles, both surfaces thinly to densely hispid-pilose; petioles 3 – 15 cm, pilose. Inflorescence of 2 – 5- flowered, pedunculate, axillary cymes, often umbellate in form; peduncles 1.5 – 7 cm, pubescent; bracteoles 2 – 8 mm, filiform, relatively persistent, pedicels 0.5 – 1.8 cm, pubescent but pilose apically; sepals subequal, 11 – 17 × 2 – 3 mm, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, acuminate to subobtuse, hispid-pilose, more densely so in lower half, inner sepals with scarious margins; corolla 4 – 5 cm, funnel-shaped, tube white, limb usually pink, sometimes cream or bluish, glabrous, 4 cm diam., unlobed. Capsule subglobose, 9 – 11 mm, glabrous, 6-seeded; seeds 5 mm long, appearing glabrous but minutely tomentellous under a microscope.

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Ipomoea purpurea var. diversifolia (Lindl.) O’Donell

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Key: Corolla usually pink, rarely white or blue; sepals 11 – 17 mm, shortly acuminate to subobtuse, uniformly pilose

Ipomoea purpurea var. diversifolia (Lindl.) O’Donell (1953: 385).

Pharbitis diversifolia Lindl. (Lindley 1837: t. 1988). Type: Peru, Mathews 2050, portion at top right of sheet in Herb Lindley (CGE 06401 p.p.), lectotype, designated here, isolectotype OXF.


Ipomoea pusilla Brandegee

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Ipomoea quamoclit L.

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Key: Leaves pinnate

Ipomoea quamoclit L. (Linnaeus 1753: 159). Type: India, Herb. Clifford 66, Ipomoea 1 (BM -000558077), designated by Biju 2002 [publ. 2003]: 755)

Twining annual herb, plant completely glabrous. Leaves shortly petiolate, 1 – 7 (– 9) × 0.8 – 7 cm, ovate-elliptic in outline, deeply pinnatifid to the main vein, the segments linear, acute, mostly 8 – 15 pairs; petioles 0.5 – 3 (– 4.5) cm, often with pseudostipules at base. Inflorescence of 1 (– 5)-flowered axillary, pedunculate cymes; peduncles 1 – 5 (– 14) cm; bracteoles elliptic, c. 1 mm long; pedicels 8 – 20 mm, swollen upwards; sepals slightly unequal, oblong-elliptic, obtuse and very shortly mucronate, the mucro < 1 mm long, margins scarious, the outer 4 – 6 × 2 – 3 mm, the inner c. 1 mm longer; corolla usually red, hypocrateriform, the tube 2 – 3 cm long, widened upwards, the limb c. 2 cm diam., deeply lobed with acute lobes; stamens exserted. Capsule ovoid, 7 – 9 mm long, rostrate, glabrous; seeds c. 5 mm, rostrate with hairs in patches.

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30 chromosomes

!Ipomoea quinquefolia L.


Ipomoea racemigera F. Muell.

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Ipomoea ramosissima (Poir.) Choisy

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Key: Capsule compressed, glabrous

Ipomoea ramosissima (Poir.) Choisy (1845: 377).

Convolvulus cymosus Ruiz & Pavon (1799: 9), non Desr. (Desrousseaux 1796). Type: Peru, Huánuco, Ruiz & Pavon s.n. (lectotype MA 814677, designated here; isolectotypes F, MA814678, MA814675, MA 814676, OXF).

Convolvulus ramosissimus Poir. (Poiret 1813 [publ. 1814]: 468).

Ipomoea dichotoma Choisy (1845: 383), nom. illeg., non I. dichotoma Kunth (1819). Type: Brazil, Lund 319 (holotype G00135826!).

Slender twining annual herb, usually nearly glabrous in all parts but occasionally stems thinly pilose. Leaves petiolate, mostly 3 – 5.5 × 2 – 4.5 cm, ovate or shallowly 3-lobed, cordate with rounded to obtuse auricles, apex shortly acuminate, mucronate, glabrous or adaxially with a few hairs; petioles 1.5 – 5 cm, glabrous or thinly pubescent. Inflorescence of long pedunculate axillary umbelliform cymes with 2 – 5 flowers; peduncles 2 – 10 cm; bracteoles tiny, triangular, caducous; pedicels 5 – 15 mm; sepals subequal, oblong-obovate with broad scarious margins, rounded and mucronate, glabrous or with a few marginal cilia, outer sepals 3.5 – 6 mm, inner sepals c. 1mmlonger; corolla 1.5 – 2.5 cm, funnel-shaped, pink with a dark centre, glabrous, limb 1.5 – 1.75 cm diam., unlobed or shallowly lobed, sometimes dentate. Capsule 2 – 3 × 4 mm, depressed-subglobose, enclosed by sepals, glabrous, the slender style somewhat persistent; seeds 3 × 2.5 mm, ellipsoid, dark brown, glabrous or pilose on the angles.

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Ipomoea ramosissima fo. rosea (Hallier) O’Donell


Ipomoea regnellii Meisn.

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Key: Inner sepals 9 – 12 mm long, longer than outer sepals; peduncles 1 – 5.5 cm long

Ipomoea regnellii Meisn. (Meisner 1869: 266). Type: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Caldas, A. F. Regnell (lectotype BR!, designated by O’Donell 1952: 236).

Twining perennial herb, stems thinly pubescent to densely pilose. Leaves petiolate, 4 – 15 × 3 – 12 cm, ovate, cordate with rounded auricles, shortly acuminate to an obtuse and mucronate apex, adaxially thinly puberulent to subtomentose, abaxially weakly to densely tomentose; petioles 1.5 – 11 cm, thinly pubescent to tomentose. Inflorescence of shortly pedunculate axillary, many-flowered umbellate cymes, peduncles 1 – 5.5 cm; bracteoles 1.5 – 2 mm, lanceolate, caducous; secondary peduncles 6 – 8 mm; pedicels 8 – 30 mm, relatively long; sepals unequal, lanceolate, obtuse and broadly mucronate, pale green, thinly to densely pubescent, outer 7 – 11 × 1 – 3 mm, margins often ciliate, the inner 9 – 12 × 3 – 4 mm, often with scarious margins; corolla 5 – 8 cm, funnel-shaped, pink, densely short-pubescent, limb c. 4 cm diam. Capsule ellipsoid, 11 – 12 × 7 – 8 mm, rostrate, glabrous; seeds 6 mm, pubescent (immature).


Ipomoea repanda Jacq.


Ipomoea repens Roth

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**Ipomoea reptans Poir.


Ipomoea reticulata O’Donell

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Key: Corolla cream with a dark centre; inflorescence commonly developing into a paniculate or racemose structure

Ipomoea reticulata O’Donell (1953: 389). Type: Colombia, Norte de Santander, J. Cuatrecasas 13321 (holotype LIL!, isotype F).

Ipomoea peredoi O’Donell (1960: 44), synon. nov. Type: Bolivia, Santa Cruz, I. Peredo s.n. (holotype LIL 158045!).

Weak liana to 3 m, stems woody, glabrous to minutely scabridulous, dotted with black glands. Leaves petiolate, 4 – 9 × 3 – 6 cm, ovate to suborbicular, cordate with rounded auricles, shortly acuminate, usually glabrous but sometimes scabridulous-puberulent, abaxially often minutely black-punctate; petioles 2.5 – 5 cm, scabridulous. Inflorescence of pedunculate axillary cymes, these often developing into a raceme or panicle like structure 5 – 10 cm long; peduncles 1 – 4.5 cm, sometimes extended into a rhachis up to 3 cm long; secondary peduncles 0.5 – 1.8 cm long; bracteoles scale-like, caducous; pedicels very variable in length. 5 – 15 mm long, glabrous; sepals subequal, 5 – 7 × 3 – 5 mm, elliptic, obtuse, scarious-margined, inner obovate with very broad scariousmargins; corolla 2.3 – 3.5 cm, creamywhite with greenishmidpetaline bands and (sometimes a dull violet centre), campanulate, glabrous, limb 2.5 cm diam., undulate; stamens held at corolla mouth. Capsule ovoid, 10 – 12 × 7 – 8 mm, glabrous; seeds 5 mm long, pilose.


Ipomoea retropilosa (Pittier) D.F. Austin

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Ipomoea rhodocalyx A. Gray

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Ipomoea riparia G. Don


Ipomoea riparum Standl. & L.O. Williams

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Ipomoea robinsonii House


Ipomoea rojasii Hassl.


Ipomoea rosea Choisy

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Ipomoea rubella House


Ipomoea rubens Choisy

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Key: Sepals with spreading hairs; leaf lobes acute

Key: Bracteoles caducous; corolla 5 cm long

Ipomoea rubens Choisy (1834: 463). Type: India, Wallich 1421 (lectotype G 00227258, designated here, isolectotypes G, K-W).

Ipomoea riparia G. Don (1838: 265). Type: São Tome, Guinea, (probable holotype BM).

Ipomoea villicalyx N. E. Br. (Brown 1894: 64). Type: Paraguay, Gibert (holotype K)

Twining perennial herb, stems tomentose, to several metres high. Leaves petiolate, 4 – 8 × 3 – 5 cm, ovatedeltoid, often shallowly 3-lobed, cordate with rounded auricles, apex acute, adaxially pubescent, abaxially grey-tomentose; petioles 2 – 4 cm, grey-tomentose. Inflorescence of compact, axillary, pedunculate cymes; peduncles 3 – 12 cm, densely woolly-pilose; bracteoles 3 – 7 mm, linear, caducous; secondary peduncles (if present) 2 – 3 mm; pedicels 5 – 17 mm, pilose; sepals somewhat unequal, outer (8 –) 10 – 14 mm, accrescent to 16 mm in fruit, ovate-deltoid, acute (or obtuse), pilose, inner sepals 8 – 12 mm, obtuse, pilose, margins scarious; corolla 4 – 5.5 cm, funnel-shaped, pink, sericeous-pubescent, limb 4 – 5 cm diam. Capsule globose, 8 – 13 × 11 – 12 mm, enclosed by sepals, glabrous; seeds 5 – 6 mm long, pilose.


!Ipomoea rubra (Vahl) Millsp.


Ipomoea rubriflora O’Donell

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Key: Fruiting pedicels erect; leaves commonly lobed

Ipomoea rubriflora O’Donell (1959a: 79). Type: Argentina, Cordoba, Dep. San Alberto, entre Mina Clavero y Nono, O’Donell & Rodríguez 708 (holotype LIL!).

Similar to Ipomoea hederifolia in habit, variability of leaf shape and general features of the inflorescence but more robust, the stems distinctly angled, glabrous except at nodes. Leaves usually glabrous or nearly so; sepals glabrous or pubescent, outer sepals oblong-obovate, 3 – 4 mm; inner sepals 5 – 6 mm, corolla limb 2 – 3 cm diam., stamens very shortly exserted. Capsule strongly rostrate terminatterminating in a persistent mucro 3 – 5 mm long, the fruiting pedicel erect; seeds tomentose with hairs unequal in length those bordering the central groove longer.


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Ipomoea rupicola House

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!Ipomoea sagittata Poir.


__*Ipomoea sagittata Lam.__


Ipomoea sagittula House


Ipomoea saintronanensis R.W. Johnson

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Ipomoea santillanii O’Donell


Ipomoea saopaulista O’Donell

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Ipomoea scabra Forssk.


Ipomoea schomburgkii Choisy

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Key: Leaves linear, < 3 mm wide; plant glabrous

Ipomoea schomburgkii Choisy (1845: 354). Type: Guyana, R. Schomburgk 692 (holotype K000612791!).

Ipomoea graminiformis Meisn. (Meisner 1869: 250). Type: Brazil, Goyaz, Burchell 8556 (holotype BR000005305780!; isotype K000612790!).

Glabrous perennial herb with xylopodium and erect, somewhat succulent stems to 50 cm. Leaves sessile, 4 – 16 × 0.1 – 3 cm, linear, somewhat glaucous, tapering at both ends, acute. Inflorescence ± terminal, up to 30 cm long, but usually much less, formed of pedunculate cymes from the uppermost leaf axils; peduncles 0 – 5 cm, diminishing in size upwards; bracteoles filiform, up to 10 mm long, caducous; pedicels 5 – 13 mm; sepals subequal, coriaceous, somewhat concave, 5 – 7 × 3 – 4 mm, elliptic, outer acute to obtuse, c. 1 mm shorter than inner, inner rounded, slightly scarious on margins; corolla c. 4.5 cm long, pink with a darker centre, glabrous, limb weakly lobed, c. 4 cm diam. Capsule and seeds not seen.


Ipomoea schulziana O’Donell

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Key: Leaf base truncate to weakly cordate or plant leafless when flowering

Ipomoea schulziana O’Donell (1948: 186). Type: Argentina, Salta, Oran, San Pedrito, senda a Astillero, Schulz 5483 (holotype LIL107492!).

Robust twining liana reaching at least 6 m in height, commonly leafless when flowering, roots tuberous, stems glabrous. Leaves petiolate, mostly 3 – 8 × 1.5 – 4 cm, oblong-ovate, acute and mucronate, basally broadly cordate to truncate, margin slightly undulate, glabrous, adaxially green, abaxially somewhat glaucous and with prominent veins; petioles 1 – 3.5 cm. Inflorescence of axillary, pedunculate simple or compound cymes often developing on axillary branchlets, sometimes very dense and floriferous or panicle-like; peduncles 0.5 – 5 cm long; bracteoles caducous, not seen; secondary peduncles 0.5 – 2.5 cm; pedicels 3 – 8 mm, thickened upwards; sepals slightly unequal, coriaceous, glabrous, outer sepals 5 – 6 mm, concave, elliptic, obtuse with scarious margins, the inner 7 – 8 mm, suborbicular, rounded; corolla 5 – 6.5 cm, pink, glabrous, funnel-shaped, limb c. 3 cm diam., unlobed. Capsule glabrous, seeds pilose on the angles.


Ipomoea scopulorum Brandegee

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Ipomoea seaania Felger & D.F. Austin

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Ipomoea seducta House

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!!Ipomoea semisagitata Griseb. ex Peter

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Ipomoea sepacuitensis Donn. Sm.


Ipomoea sepiaria Koenig ex Roxb.


!Ipomoea sericophylla Meisn.

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Ipomoea serpens Meisn.


Ipomoea sescossiana Baill.

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!Ipomoea setifera Poir.

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Key: Perennial; bracteoles 16 – 25 mm wide; corolla 5 – 8 cm long

Ipomoea setifera Poir. (Poiret 1804: 17). Type: Guyana, Brocheton s.n. (holotype P-JU, n.v.).

Trailing or twining herb, stems often roughly hirsute with stiff hairs. Leaves petiolate, 3 – 9 × 2 – 5 cm, ovate-deltoid or subreniform with wide-spreading obtuse or rounded auricles, base broadly cordate, apex obtuse, emarginate and mucronate, less commonly acute or acuminate, glabrous, lower surface paler, reticulate-veined; petioles 1 – 6 cm, glabrous but often with scattered tubercles. Inflorescence of pedunculate, 1 – 3 (– 5)-flowered, axillary cymes peduncles (0.3 –) 3 – 5 (– 8) cm, sometimes tubercled; bracteoles 1.2 – 2 × 0.6 – 1.5 cm, ovate, longmucronate, persistent, pale green, concave, concealing the pedicel bases; pedicels 8 – 28 mm; sepals unequal, glabrous, outer sepals 1.5 – 2 cm, elliptic, acute, finely aristate, abaxially 5-winged, wings smooth or, often, softly tubercled, inner sepals c. 5 mm shorter, ovate, pale, unwinged; corolla 5.5 – 8 cm, funnel-shaped, pink, glabrous, limb c. 4 cm diam., unlobed. Capsule ovoid, c. 12 mm long and wide, seeds tomentellous.

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!Ipomoea setosa Ker Gawl.

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Key: Stem armed with numerous soft fleshy spines

Ipomoea setosa Ker-Gawl. (Ker Gawler 1818: 335). Type: Ker Gawler, Bot. Reg. 4: t. 335, designated by A. Mcdonald (1994: 110).

Ipomoea pavonii Choisy (1845: 390). Type: Ecuador, Guayaquil, Pavon s.n. (holotype G n.v.; isotypes MA814625, MA814626, MA814627).

Calonyction pavonii Hallier (1897: 1048).

Ipomoea setosa var. pavonii (Choisy) House (1908: 220).

Ipomoea horrida Huber ex Ducke (1959: 304). Type: Brazil, Ceará, Ducke 1151 (holotype MG, isotype F).

Scrambling perennial herb, stems with soft fleshy spines and bluish-green bloom but otherwise glabrous. Leaves petiolate, 10 – 32 × 10 – 32 cm, mostly 3-lobed to about halfway but sometimes ovate-orbicular, apex shortly acuminate, obtuse and mucronate, base cordate with rounded auricles, margin irregularly dentate with scattered teeth, both surfaces glabrous; petioles 5 – 14 cm, armed with soft fleshy spines. Flowers in longpedunculate axillary cymes; peduncles 5 – 15 cm, armed with soft fleshy spines; bracteoles 5 – 10 × 2 mm, oblong, mucronate, caducous; secondary peduncles 1.5 – 3 cm; pedicels 1 – 4 cm, markedly thickened upwards, armed with soft fleshy spines below, glabrous upwards, often purplish-brown; sepals subequal, 8 – 10 mm at anthesis (accrescent to 16 mm in fruit), ovate, acute, concave, glabrous (or in central America with soft fleshy spines), purplish-brown with scarious margins; corolla 4 – 5 (– 6) cm long, funnel-shaped, pink, glabrous, limb c. 2.5 cm diam. Capsule subglobose, 15 mm long, glabrous; seeds 7 × 5 mm, woolly, nearly black.

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Ipomoea shirambensis Baker


Ipomoea shumardiana (Torr.) Shinners


Ipomoea shupangensis Baker


!Ipomoea sidaefolia (Kunth) Sweet


Ipomoea silvicola House


Ipomoea simonsiana Rendle


Ipomoea simplex auct. non Thunb.

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Ipomoea simulans D. Hanb.


Ipomoea sindica Stapf

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Ipomoea sinensis (Desr.) Choisy


Ipomoea sinensis subsp. blepharosepala (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Verdc. ex A. Meeuse


Ipomoea sinuata Ortega


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Ipomoea × sloteri (House) Ooststr.


Ipomoea soluta Kerr


Ipomoea soluta var. alba C.Y. Wu


Ipomoea sororia D.F. Austin & Tapia-Muñoz


Ipomoea spectata J.A. McDonald


Ipomoea splendor-sylvae House

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Ipomoea squamisepala O’Donell

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Key: Leaves oblong, 4 – 6 mm or more wide

Ipomoea squamisepala O’Donell (1950b: 453).

Ipomoea angulata Mart. ex Choisy (1845: 371), non I. angulata Lam. (Lamarck 1793). Type: Brazil, Pohl 1646 (holotype M).

Erect undershrub from a xylopodium to c. 1 m, stems very woody, somewhat ridged, glabrous; plant drying blackish. Leaves shortly petiolate, (2 –) 4 – 6 × (0.2 –) 0.5 – 1.5 (– 3) cm. linear-oblong, oblong-elliptic or oblanceolate, obtuse to acute and apiculate, cuneate at base, glabrous; petioles 0 – 5 mm, poorly defined. Inflorescence racemose, terminal, typically elongate to 40 cm, sometimes branched but sometimes much reduced, often dense, formed of shortly pedunculate cymes from the upper leaf axils; peduncles 0 – 1.5 cm, erect; bracteoles fugacious (not seen); secondary peduncles c. 2 cm, often rhachis-like, pedicels 3 – 8 mm; sepals very unequal, obovate-elliptic, rigid, glabrous, outer 2 – 4 × 2 mm long, obtuse, white-margined, inner 5 – 7 × 3 – 4 mm, rounded, margins scarious; corolla 2 – 4 cm, funnelshaped, white or lilac, glabrous, limb c. 2.5 – 3 cm diam. Capsule and seeds not seen.

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Ipomoea squamosa Choisy

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Key: Outer sepal 3 – 5 mm long; leaves usually pubescent abaxially

Ipomoea squamosa Choisy (1845: 376). Type: Brazil, Para, Martius 76 (holotype P, n.v., isotype M).

Convolvulus mattogrossensis Kuntze (1898: 214). Type: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Villa Maria, O. Kuntze s.n. (isotype NY!).

Ipomoea mattogrossensis (Kuntze) K. Schum. (Schumann 1900: 383).

Twining perennial herb or small liana, stems glabrous to thinly pubescent. Leaves petiolate, ovate, shortly acuminate, cordate with rounded to obtuse auricles, glabrous except on the veins to subtomentose (var. villosa Ooststr.) on both surfaces, abaxially paler, prominently veined; petioles 3 – 6 (– 12) cm, usually pubescent. Inflorescence of many-flowered pedunculate axillary cymes, the cymes often dense with shortly pedicellate, undeveloped flowers on the lateral branches; peduncles 4 – 12 cm, straight, usually pubescent; bracteoles 2 – 3 mm, ovate, caducous; secondary peduncles 4 – 16 mm; pedicels 4 – 15 mm, noticeably more slender than peduncles, glabrous; sepals unequal, glabrous, scariousmargined, accrescent in fruit, at anthesis outer 4 – 6 × 3 – 5 mm, obovate to suborbicular, obtuse, inner 7 – 10 × 5 – 8 mm, obovate to broadly elliptic, rounded, often nearly completely scarious; corolla 5.5 – 6.5 cm, funnel-shaped, pink with dark centre, glabrous, limb 4.5 cm diam., undulate. Capsule 10 – 12 × 10 – 12 mm, broadly ovoid to subglobose, rostrate, glabrous; seeds woolly with long hairs.

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Ipomoea stans Cav.

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Ipomoea stans var. hirsuta B.L. Rob.

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Ipomoea staphylina Roem. & Schult.

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Ipomoea steerei (Standl.) L.O. Williams


Ipomoea stellaris Baker

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Ipomoea stenobasis Brenan


Ipomoea stenophylla Meisn.


Ipomoea steudelii Millsp.


Ipomoea stolonifera (Cirillo) J.F. Gmel.


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Ipomoea stuckertii O’Donell


Ipomoea suaveolens (M. Martens & Galeotti) Hemsl.


Ipomoea subincana (Choisy) Meisn.

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Ipomoea subrevoluta Choisy

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Key: Sepals apiculate, 5 – 6 mm long; leaflets linear to narrowly oblong

Ipomoea subrevoluta Choisy (1845: 386). Type: Guyana, C. S. Parker s.n. in Herb. Lindley (holotype CGE 14419!; isotypes K!).

Twining perennial herb, completely glabrous in all parts. Leaves petiolate, divided into 5 (– 7) separate sessile leaflets, leaflets 2. 5 – 6 × 0.1 – 0.4 (– 0.7) cm, linear to narrowly oblong, apiculate, acuminate at base; petioles 0.5 – 5 cm. Inflorescence of 1 (– 3)-flowered, axillary, pedunculate cymes; peduncles slender, 0.8 – 1.8 cm, often flexuose; bracteoles 1.5 mm, deltoid, caducous; pedicels 1 – 1.5 cm, stouter than peduncles; sepals subequal, 5 – 6 × 2 – 3 mm, ovate, shortly apiculate, pale green; corolla 4 – 6 cm, funnel-shaped, pink, glabrous, limb c. 4 cm diam., unlobed. Capsule 12 – 14 cm long, ovoid, glabrous; seeds 5 – 6 mm, dark brown, nearly glabrous.


Ipomoea subtomentosa (Chodat & Hassl.) O’Donell

Ipomoea maurandioides var. subtomentosa (Chodat & Hassl.) J. R. I. Wood & R. W. Scotland, comb. et stat. nov.


Basionym: Ipomoea serpens Meisn. var. subtomentosa Chodat & Hassl., Bull. Herb. Boiss. Ser. 2, 5: 694 (Chodat & Hassler 1905). Type: Paraguay, E. Hassler 6109 (holotype G, isotype BM000089475!).

Ipomoea subtomentosa (Chodat & Hassl.) O’Donell (1953: 239).

Differs from var. maurandioides in the minutely pubescent leaves, petioles, stems and peduncles, and (reportedly) in the more rounded capsules. A few Bolivian specimens are ± pubescent and resemble the type and other collections from Paraguay determined by O’Donell as Ipomoea subtomentosa but they are never as hirsute as some Brazilian examples, such as Harley 21280 (K) or Sano et al. 14538 (K). They do not seem to be anything more than minor variants of I. maurandioides.


Ipomoea suburceolata O’Donell

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Key: Corolla suburceolate, the limb reduced to 5 small teeth

Ipomoea suburceolata O’Donell (1953: 394). Type: Bolivia, “Caupolican”, fide note on sheet at Kew, Pearce 779 (holotype K)

Liana, glabrous in all parts, stems pale brown, woody. Leaves 4 – 9 × 4 – 8 cm, ovate, acute, base cordate to subtruncate, glabrous, abaxially paler, gland-dotted with pale whitish glands. Inflorescence of small cymes, often aggregated into a terminal panicle-like inflorescence; bracts resembling small leaves; peduncles 1.3 – 2 cm; secondary peduncles 10 – 15 mm; bracteoles 2 – 3 mm, oblong-ovate, obtuse, deciduous; pedicels 5 – 10 mm; sepals reddish, slightly unequal, outer 6 – 7 mm, ovate, obtuse, inner 8 – 9 mm, narrowly obovate with scarious margin; corolla 3.5 – 4 cm, tubular but somewhat inflated in the middle to 10 – 12 mm, fuchsia-red, limb 5–lobed, 4 – 5 mm long, dark red; stamens shortly exserted. Capsule 10 – 12 × 5 mm, ovoid, style persistent; seeds oblong in outline, c. 5 × 2 mm, long-pilose.


Ipomoea suffulta (Kunth) G. Don


!Ipomoea sulphurea (La Llave & Lex.) G. Don

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Ipomoea sultanii Chiov.


Ipomoea sumatrana (Miq.) Ooststr.

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*Ipomoea syringaefolia Baker


!Ipomoea syringifolia Meisn.

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Ipomoea tabascana J.A. McDonald & D.F. Austin


Ipomoea tarijensis O’Donell

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Key: Stamens c. 2.5 cm long; leaf auricles overlapping; pedicels scurfy-puberulent; plant decumbent

Ipomoea tarijensis O’Donell (1960: 53). Type: Bolivia, Tarija, 1904, K. Fiebrig 2655A (holotype BM!, isotypes K!, P!).

Trailing herb, stems up to 2 m long, thinly pubescent. Leaves petiolate, 5 – 11 × 5 – 11 cm, ovate to suborbicular, narrowly cordate with rounded, overlapping auricles, apex shortly acuminate, adaxially almost glabrous, abaxially bluish-grey with prominent, raised veins, scurfy-pubescent; petioles 3 – 6 cm, thinly pubescent. Inflorescence of long-pedunculate, 1 – 3 (– 5)- flowered, axillary cymes, peduncles 7 – 15 cm, straight; bracteoles caducous; secondary peduncles 0.5 – 1.6 cm; pedicels 0.5 – 2.5 cm, scurfy-pubescent, slightly widened below calyx, often fracturing at summit; sepals subequal, 7 – 9 × 4 – 5 mm, broadly oblong, obtuse, thinly scurfy-puberulent, margins scarious, glabrous, inner c. 1 mm longer and broader with broad scarious margins; corolla 4.5 – 5 cm long, shortly funnel-shaped being flared from just above basal tube, glabrous, pale pink, limb c. 5 cm in diam., distinctly lobed with rounded lobes, stamens held at corolla mouth. Capsule ovoid, 2 cm long, shortly rostrate, glabrous; seeds 6 mm long, densely lanate.


Ipomoea tehuantepecensis L. Torres, R. Torres, M.P. Ramírez & J.A. McDonald

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Ipomoea temascaltepecensis Wilkin


Ipomoea tentaculifera Greenm.

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Ipomoea tenuifolia (Vahl) Urb.


Ipomoea tenuiloba Torr.


Ipomoea tenuiloba var. lemmonii (A. Gray) Yatsk. & C.T. Mason


Ipomoea tenuirostris Choisy


Ipomoea tenuirostris subsp. tenuirostris


Ipomoea tenuis E. Mey.

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Ipomoea tenuissima Choisy


Ipomoea teotitlanica McPherson


Ipomoea ternifolia Cav.


Ipomoea ternifolia var. leptotoma (Torr.) J.A. McDonald


Ipomoea ternifolia var. ternifolia


Ipomoea theodori O’Donell


Ipomoea thurberi A. Gray

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Ipomoea ticcopa Verdc.

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Ipomoea tiliacea (Willd.) Choisy

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Ipomoea trematosperma Hochst. ex Choisy

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Ipomoea trichocarpa Elliott

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Ipomoea trichocarpa var. australis O’Donell


Ipomoea tricolor Cav.

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Key: Corolla 5 – 7.5 cm long (Cultivated species)

Ipomoea tricolor Cav. (Cavanilles 1795: 5). Type: [cultivated plant from Mexico], Cavanilles s.n. (holotype MA 475860).

Twining annual herb, glabrous in all parts, stems robust and often thick (4 – 5 mm broad). Leaves petiolate, 3 – 12 × 2 – 10 cm, ovate, cordate with rather angular, nearly rounded auricles, apex acuminate, both surfaces glabrous; petioles 1.5 – 11 cm. Inflorescence of pedunculate, few-flowered axillary cymes; peduncles 3 – 20 cm, bracteoles 1 – 2 mm, oblanceolate, early caducous; secondary peduncles 0.5 – 2.5 cm, pedicels 1.5 – 3 cm, spreading at a wide angle; sepals subequal, 5 – 7 × 3 mm, oblong-lanceolate, acute, dark green with white margin, inner slightly longer than the outer; corolla 5 – 7.5 cm, funnel-shaped, glabrous, tube white, yellowish inside, limb blue, 4 cm diam. Capsule 10 × 6 mm, ovoid, glabrous, rostrate; seeds 7 × 3 mm, blackish, appearing glabrous but minutely tomentellous under a microscope.


Ipomoea tridentata (L.) Roth

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Ipomoea trifida (Kunth) G. Don

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Ipomoea trifida var. berlandieri A. Gray

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Ipomoea triloba L.

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30/38 chromosomes

Ipomoea trinervia Schulze-Menz

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Ipomoea tuba (Schltdl.) G. Don


30 chromosomes

Ipomoea tubata Nees

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Ipomoea tuberosa L.


Ipomoea tuboides O. Deg. & Ooststr.

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!Ipomoea tuerckheimii Vatke ex Donn. Sm.


*Ipomoea turbinata Lag.

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Ipomoea turneroides Chodat & Hassl.

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Ipomoea turpethum (L.) R. Br.

30 chromosomes

Ipomoea tuxtlensis House

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*Ipomoea umbellata (L.) G. Mey.


Ipomoea uncinata Hutch.


Ipomoea urbaniana (Dammer) Hallier f.


Ipomoea urbinei House


Ipomoea ursina Brandegee


Ipomoea valenzulensis Chodat & Hassl.

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Ipomoea valerii Standl. & L.O. Williams


Ipomoea vargasiana O’Donell

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Ipomoea variabilis (Schltdl. & Cham.) Choisy

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Ipomoea velardei O’Donell


Ipomoea velutipes Welw. ex Rendle


Ipomoea venosa (Desr.) Roem. & Schult.


Ipomoea venosa subsp. stellaris (Baker) Verdc.


Ipomoea venosa subsp. venosa

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Ipomoea verbascoidea Choisy

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!Ipomoea verbascoidea Choisy


Ipomoea verrucisepala Verdc.

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*Ipomoea versicolor Meisn.


Ipomoea villifera House


!Ipomoea villosa Ruiz & Pav.

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Ipomoea violacea L.

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Ipomoea virgata Meisn.

Key: Leaves ovate to elliptic, abaxially white-floccose; sepals 8 – 12 mm long

Ipomoea virgata Meisn. (Meisner 1869: 241). Type: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Regnell III 192 (lectotype BR 0000005305797!, designated here, isolectotype, K000612808!)

Ascending or erect undershrub from a woody xylopodium, stems woody, somewhat lanate. Leaves sessile, 3 – 7 × 2.5 – 5 cm, broadly ovate to narrowly elliptic, obtuse and apiculate, broadly cuneate at base, adaxially pubescent, abaxially whitish-floccose. Inflorescence of lax axillary cymes, forming an elongate terminal raceme, often somewhat compound below with branches to 7 cm in length; peduncles 1 – 4.5 cm, villous; bracteoles lanceolate, acuminate, caducous; pedicels 5 – 8 mm; sepals subequal, 8 – 12 mm, ovate, acute, grey-tomentose; corolla 3 – 6 cm, subcampanulate to broadly funnel-shaped, white(?), densely pilose with appressed hairs, limb 2.5 – 3.5 cm diam. Capsule (immature) 6 – 7 × 3 – 4 mm, narrowly ovoid, glabrous.


Ipomoea viridiflora Urb.


Ipomoea vitifolia (Burm. f.) Blume

30 chromosomes

Ipomoea vivianae Krapov.

Key: Sepals with white margins; corolla white, sometimes with pink centre, unlobed; stem with corky bark, lacking fleshy teeth

Ipomoea vivianae Krapov. (Krapovickas 2009: 57). Type: Argentina, Salta, Dep. Rivadavia, Pluma del Pato, 13 Feb. 2005, V. Solis Neffa, J. G. Seijo, J. G. Grabiele & W. Reynoso 1985 (holotype CTES!, isotypes LIL!, SI).

Twining perennial to at least 3 m, stems glabrous or sparsely pubescent when young, becoming woody with corky bark when old. Leaves petiolate, 2 – 4 × 2.5 – 5.5 cm, broadly ovate to subreniform, abruptly acuminate, shallowly cordate, glabrous or very thinly pubescent, abaxially somewhat paler; petioles 2 – 4 cm, slender. Inflorescence of shortly pedunculate axillary cymes, often raceme-like on short side branches; peduncles short, 1 – 2 cm, commonly somewhat woody; bracteoles 2 mm, caducous; secondary peduncles 5 – 10mm; pedicels 10 – 16 mm; sepals subequal, outer 6 – 8 × 3 – 4 mm, ovate-elliptic, subacute, thinly pubescent, inner sepals c. 1 mm longer, rounded, the central part pubescent but with glabrous scarious margins; corolla 4 – 5 cm, funnel-shaped, white, sometimes with pink centre, pubescent in bud and on midpetaline bands, limb 3 – 4 cm diam., unlobed. Capsule ovoid, 8 × 6 mm, glabrous, rostrate, the style base persistent; seeds 5 mm long, long-pilose.


Ipomoea volcanensis O’Donell


Ipomoea wallii (C. Morren) Hemsl.


Ipomoea wangii C.Y. Wu


Ipomoea welwitschii Vatke ex Hallier f.


Ipomoea wightii (Wall.) Choisy

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Ipomoea wightii var. kilimandschari (Dammer) Verdc.


Ipomoea wightii var. obtusisepala Verdc.

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Ipomoea wightii var. wightii


Ipomoea wolcottiana Rose

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Ipomoea wolcottiana subsp. wolcottiana


!Ipomoea wrightii A. Gray

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Key: Annual herb; corolla < 2.2 cm long; peduncles usually twisted or coiled

Ipomoea wrightii A. Gray (1878: 213). Type: United States, Texas, Wright s.n. (holotype GH!).

Ipomoea gracilipes Hassler (1911: 158). Type: Paraguay, zwischen Río Apa und Río Aquidaban, K. Fiebrig 5744 (holotype G; isotype K000612826!).

Ipomoea pulchella auct., non Roth (1821), which is I. cairica (L.) Sweet (Verdcourt 1961).

Twining annual herb, plant completely glabrous in all parts. Leaves petiolate, divided into 5 – 7 separate sessile leaflets, leaflets 3 –7×0.3– 1 cm, narrowly lanceolate, acuminate at both ends; petioles 2.5 – 5.5 cm. Flowers solitary (rarely paired), axillary, pedunculate; peduncles slender, flexuose and sometimes coiled, 3 – 6 cm long; bracteoles minute, c. 1 mm, scale-like, caducous; pedicels 5 – 8mm, stouter than peduncles; sepals subequal, 5 – 7 mm, scariousmargined, outer 4 – 5 × 2.5 – 3 mm, ovate, obtuse, abaxially slightly muricate, inner 5 – 6 × 3 mm, broadly oblong, rounded; corolla 1.7 – 2.2 cm long, funnelshaped, pink, glabrous; limb c. 1 cm diam. Capsule 10 × 7 mm, ovoid, glabrous; seeds 5 × 2.5 mm, tomentose.


30 chromosomes

Ipomoea yaracuyensis J.R. Grande & W. Meier


Ipomoea yardiensis A.S. George & Tate

30 chromosomes

Ipomoea zanzibarica Verdc.

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Note that the symbols in front of the latin names. ! = Legitimate, * = Illegitimate, ** = Invalid, *** = nom. rej., !! = nom. cons.

Specimen coordinates in square brackets [ ] have been approximated based on political units.

Ipomoea Check List

Scientific Name Author Reference Date
Ipomoea L. Sp. Pl. 1: 159 1753
Ipomoea sect. Acmostemon (Pilg.) Verdc. Taxon 6: 152 1957
Ipomoea subsect. Aequisepalae House Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 18(6): 249 1908
Ipomoea sect. Aniseia (Choisy) Gagnep. & Courchet Fl. Indo-Chine 4: 231 1915
Ipomoea subg. Aniseia (Choisy) Clarke Fl. Brit. India 4: 200 1883
Ipomoea ser. Anisomerae (House) D.F. Austin Taxon 29(4): 502 1980
Ipomoea subsect. Anisomerae House Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 18(6): 242 1908
Ipomoea ser. Arborescentes (Choisy) D.F. Austin Taxon 29(4): 502 1980
Ipomoea subsect. Arborescentes Choisy Prodr. 9: 358 1845
Ipomoea subsect. Argyrophyllae Baker & Rendle Fl. Trop. Afr. 4(2): 135 1905
Ipomoea sect. Batatas (Choisy) Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. I. 468 1864 or 1862
Ipomoea ser. Batatas (Choisy) D.F. Austin Taxon 45(1): 13 1996
Ipomoea subg. Batatas (Choisy) C.B. Clarke Fl. Brit. India 4: 201 1883
Ipomoea ser. Bombocospermum (C. Presl) D.F. Austin Taxon 29(4): 502 1980
Ipomoea subsect. Bombycospermae (C. Presl) House Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 18(6): 220 1908
Ipomoea sect. Calonyction (Choisy) Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. I. 466 1864 or 1862
Ipomoea subg. Calonyction (Choisy) C.B. Clarke Fl. Brit. India 4: 197 1883
Ipomoea subsect. Calonyction (Choisy) Hallier f. Meded. Rijks-Herb. 46: 19 1922
Ipomoea sect. Calycanthemum Hallier f. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 18: 123 1893
Ipomoea sect. Cephalanthae (Choisy) Baker & Rendle Fl. Trop. Afr. 4(2): 131 1905
Ipomoea subsect. Cephalanthae Hallier f. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 18: 131 1893
Ipomoea subsect. Cephalanthae Choisy Prodr. 9: 363 1845
Ipomoea subsect. Chorisanthae Hallier f. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 18: 135 1893
Ipomoea subsect. Cissoides House Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 18(6): 205 1908
Ipomoea ser. Dactylophyllae (House) D.F. Austin Taxon 29(4): 502 1980
Ipomoea subsect. Dactylophyllae House Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 18(6): 215 1908
Ipomoea sect. Dasychaetia Hallier f. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 18: 130 1893
Ipomoea subsect. Emeticae House Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 18(6): 239 1908
Ipomoea sect. Eriospermum Hallier f. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 18: 149 1893
Ipomoea ser. Eriospermum (Hallier f.) D.F. Austin Taxon 29(4): 502 1980
Ipomoea subg. Eriospermum (Hallier f.) Verdc. Taxon 6: 152 1957
Ipomoea sect. Erpipomoea Choisy Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève 6: 444 1833
Ipomoea subsect. Erpipomoea House Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 18(6): 210 1908
Ipomoea subsect. Eu-leiocalyx Ooststr. Blumea 3: 519 1940
Ipomoea sect. Exogonium (Choisy) Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. I. 472 1864 or 1862
Ipomoea subg. Exogonium (Choisy) Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 221 1869
Ipomoea subsect. Hederaceae House
Ipomoea ser. Heterophyllae (House) D.F. Austin Taxon 29(4): 501 1980
Ipomoea subsect. Heterophyllae House Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 18: 194 1908
Ipomoea sect. Involucratae Baker & Rendle Fl. Trop. Afr. 4(2): 130 1905
Ipomoea ser. Involucratae (Baker & Rendle) D.F. Austin Taxon 29(4): 501 1980
Ipomoea sect. Ipomoea
Ipomoea ser. Ipomoea
Ipomoea subg. Ipomoea
Ipomoea subsect. Ipomoea
Ipomoea ser. Jalapae (House) D.F. Austin Taxon 29(4): 502 1980
Ipomoea subsect. Jalapae House Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 18(6): 224 1908
Ipomoea sect. Leiocalyx Hall. f Fl. Trop. Afr. 4(2): 132 1905
Ipomoea sect. Leiocalyx Hallier f. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 18: 139 1893
Ipomoea sect. Leptocallis (G. Don) J.A. McDonald Harvard Pap. Bot. 6: 99 1995
Ipomoea ser. Microsepalae (House) D.F. Austin Taxon 29(4): 501 1980
Ipomoea subsect. Microsepalae House Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 18(6): 238 1908
Ipomoea sect. Mina (Cerv.) Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. I. 472 1864 or 1862
Ipomoea ser. Mirandinae D.F. Austin Taxon 28(4): 360 1979
Ipomoea sect. Orthipomoea Choisy Prodr. 9: 353 1845
Ipomoea ser. Orthipomoea (Choisy) D.F. Austin Taxon 29(4): 501 1980
Ipomoea subsect. Palmate House Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 18(6): 221 1908
Ipomoea ser. Pedatisectae (House) D.F. Austin Taxon 29(4): 501 1980
Ipomoea subsect. Pedatisectae House Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 18(6): 232 1908
Ipomoea sect. Pes-caprae Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. I. 470 1864 or 1862
Ipomoea sect. Pharbitis (Choisy) Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. I. 473 1864 or 1862
Ipomoea sect. Pharbitis Hallier f. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 18: 131 1893
Ipomoea ser. Pharbitis (Choisy) D.F. Austin Taxon 29(4): 501 1980
Ipomoea subg. Pharbitis (Choisy) C.B. Clarke Fl. Brit. India 4: 119 1883
Ipomoea sect. Poliothamnus (Hallier f.) Verdc. Taxon 6: 151 1957
Ipomoea sect. Quamoclit (Mill.) Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. I. 472 1864 or 1862
Ipomoea subg. Quamoclit (Mill.) C.B. Clarke Fl. Brit. India 4: 198 1883
Ipomoea subsect. Quamoclit (Mill.) Hallier f. Meded. Rijks-Herb. 46: 20 1922
Ipomoea ser. Setosae (House) D.F. Austin Taxon 29(4): 502 1980
Ipomoea subsect. Setosae House Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 18(6): 219 1908
Ipomoea ser. Suffruticosae (Choisy) D.F. Austin Taxon 29(4): 502 1980
Ipomoea subsect. Suffruticosae Choisy Prodr. 9: 353 1845
Ipomoea sect. Tricolores J.A. McDonald
Ipomoea ser. Tyrianthinae (House) D.F. Austin Taxon 29(4): 501 1980
Ipomoea subsect. Tyrianthinae House Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 18(6): 206 1908
Ipomoea sect. Xanthips Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. I. 470 1864 or 1862
Ipomoea sect. Xerophyta (Baker & Rendle) D.F. Austin Taxon 29(4): 251 1980
Ipomoea subg. Xerophyta Baker & Rendle Fl. Trop. Afr. 4(2): 194 1906
Ipomoea abutiloides (Kunth) G. Don Gen. Hist. 4: 273 1838
Ipomoea abutiloides var. abutiloides
Ipomoea abutiloides var. hartwegiana Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 444 1891
Ipomoea abutiloides var. kunthiana Kuntze
Ipomoea abyssinica (Choisy) Schweinf. Beitr. Fl. Aethiop. 94 1867
Ipomoea acanthocarpa (Choisy) Asch. & Schweinf. Beitr. Fl. Aethiop. 277 1867
Ipomoea acaponetensis M.E. Jones Contr. W. Bot. 18: 65 1933
Ipomoea acetosellifolia (Desr.) Choisy
Ipomoea acetosifolia (Vahl) Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. (ed. 15 bis) 4: 246 1819
Ipomoea acetosifolia var. longifolia Glaz.
Ipomoea aculeata (L.) Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 442 1891
Ipomoea aculeata Blume Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. 13: 715 1825
Ipomoea aculeata var. aculeata
Ipomoea aculeata fo. bonanox (L.) Voss
Ipomoea aculeata var. bonanox (L.) Kuntze
Ipomoea aculeata var. bona-nox (L.) Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 442 1891
Ipomoea aculeata var. mollissima (Zoll.) Hallier f. ex Ooststr. Blumea 3(3): 574 1940
Ipomoea acuminata Ruiz & Pav. Fl. Peruv. 2: , t. 120, f. b 1799
Ipomoea acuminata (Vahl) Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. (ed. 15 bis) 4: 228 1819
Ipomoea acutangula Ruiz & Pav. Fl. Peruv. 2: 10, t. 119, f. b 1799
Ipomoea acutisepala O’Donell Lilloa 23: 478, t. 8 1950
Ipomoea adenioides Schinz
Ipomoea adumbrata Rendle & Britten
Ipomoea aegyptia L. Sp. Pl. 1: 162 1753
Ipomoea aequitans Jones
Ipomoea affinis M. Martens & Galeotti Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Bruxelles 12(2): 263 1845
Ipomoea afra Choisy Prodr. 9: 380 1845
Ipomoea afzelii Choisy
Ipomoea aitoni Choisy
Ipomoea aitonii Lindl. Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 21, t. 1794 1836
Ipomoea alata Rose Contr. U.S. Nation. Herb. 1: 108 1891
Ipomoea alata R. Br. Prodr. 484 1810
Ipomoea alatipes Hook. f. Bot. Mag. 88: t. 5330 1862
Ipomoea alba L. Sp. Pl. 1: 161 1753
Ipomoea alba Garcke 1849
Ipomoea albidiflora Matuda Cact. Suc. Mex. 18(3): 78, f. 38?9 1973
Ipomoea albiflora Moric. Pl. Nouv. Amer. 114, t. 70 1838
Ipomoea albiflora var. albiflora
Ipomoea albiflora var. cinera Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 231 1869
Ipomoea albiflora var. divergens Choisy Prodr. 9: 352 1845
Ipomoea albiflora var. stricta Choisy Prodr. 9: 352 1845
Ipomoea albivenia Sweet Hort. Brit. (ed. 2) 372 1830
Ipomoea alexandrae D.F. Austin Fl. Ecuador 15: 36 1982
Ipomoea alpina Rendle J. Bot. 50: 253 1912
Ipomoea alterniflora Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 202 1866
Ipomoea altissima (Spreng.) Bertero ex G. Don Gen. Hist. 4: 273 1838
Ipomoea altissima Mart. ex Choisy Prodr. 9: 359 1845
Ipomoea altissima Bertero ex Spreng. Syst. Veg. [Sprengel_] 1: 613 1825 or 1824
Ipomoea altoparanaensis O’Donell Arq. Mus. Paranaense 9: 210, t. 3 1952
Ipomoea alulata Miq. Linnaea 18: 599 1844 or 1845
Ipomoea ambigua Endl.
Ipomoea amnicola Morong Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 7: 170 1892
Ipomoea amoena Choisy Prodr. 9: 365 1845
Ipomoea amoena Blume Bijdr. Fl. Ned. Ind. 718 1985
Ipomoea amoenula Dandy Fl. Pl. Anglo-Egyptian Sudan 3: 112 1956
Ipomoea amparoana Pilg. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 17(48185): 125 1921
Ipomoea ampelopsifolia (Cham. & Schltdl.) G. Don Gen. Hist. 4: 278 1838
Ipomoea amplexicaulis Fernald Bot. Gaz. 20(12): 535 1895
Ipomoea ampliata Choisy Prodr. 9: 361 1845
Ipomoea ampullacea Fernald Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 33(5): 89 1897
Ipomoea anceps (L.) Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. (ed. 15 bis) 4: 231 1819
Ipomoea ancisa House Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 18(6): 187 1908
Ipomoea androyensis Deroin Bull. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat., B, Adansonia, s閞. 4 14(3?): 338?40, f. 3, 5(map) 1992 or 1993
Ipomoea angularis Willd. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin Neue Schriften 4: 197 1803
Ipomoea angularis Choisy 1834
Ipomoea angulata Lam. Tabl. Encycl. 1: 464 1791
Ipomoea angulata Ortega Nov. Pl. Descr. Dec. 7?: 83 1797
Ipomoea angulata Mart. ex Choisy 1845
Ipomoea angulata var. angulata
Ipomoea angulata var. gnidioides Meisn.
Ipomoea angulata var. latifolia Meisn.
Ipomoea angulata var. linearis Meisn.
Ipomoea angustata Brandegee Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 4(19): 383 1913
Ipomoea angustifolia Choisy 1845
Ipomoea angustifolia Jacq. Collectanea 2: 367 1788
Ipomoea angustifolia var. villosula Meisn.
Ipomoea angustisecta Engl. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 10: 245 1888
Ipomoea angustisepala O’Donell Lilloa 26: 362, t. 2, f. 2 1953
Ipomoea anisomeres B.L. Rob. & Bartlett Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 43(2): 57 1908 or 1907
Ipomoea anisomeres var. anisomeres
Ipomoea anisomeres var. sagittiformis L.O. Williams Fieldiana, Bot. 32(12): 185 1970
Ipomoea antillana Millsp. Publ. Field Columb. Mus., Bot. Ser. 2(1): 84?5 1900
Ipomoea aphylla Standl. Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11(4): 139 1932
Ipomoea apiculata M. Martens & Galeotti Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Bruxelles 12(2): 262 1845
Ipomoea aprica House Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 18: 243 1908
Ipomoea aquatica Forssk. Fl. Aegypt.-Arab. 44 1775
Ipomoea arachnoidea Bojer Hortus Maurit. 228 1837
Ipomoea arachnosperma Welw. Apont. 588 1859
Ipomoea arborescens (Humb. & Bonpl. ex Willd.) G. Don Gen. Hist. 4: 267 1838
Ipomoea arborescens var. arborescens
Ipomoea arborescens var. glabrata Gentry
Ipomoea arborescens var. pachylutea Gentry
Ipomoea ardissima A. Chev. Rev. Int. Bot. Appl. Agric. Trop. 30: 272 1950
Ipomoea arenaria Roem. & Schult. 1819
Ipomoea arenaria (Choisy) Steud. Nomencl. Bot. (ed. 2) 815 1841
Ipomoea arenaria var. arenaria
Ipomoea arenaria var. integrrima Kuntze
Ipomoea arenaria var. palmatifida Kuntze
Ipomoea argentaurata Hallier f. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 18: 132 1893
Ipomoea argentea Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 247 1869
Ipomoea argentifolia A. Rich. ex Sagra Hist. F韘. Cuba, Bot. 11: 131 1850
Ipomoea argentina N.E. Br. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinburgh 20: 62 1893
Ipomoea argentinensis Speg. Physis (Buenos Aires) 3: 331 1917
Ipomoea argentinica Peter Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4(3a): 30 1891
Ipomoea argillicola R.W. Johnson
Ipomoea argyreia Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 246 1869
Ipomoea argyreia var. argyreia
Ipomoea argyreia var. burchellii Hassl.
Ipomoea argyreia var. discolor Hassl.
Ipomoea argyreia fo. grandiflora Chodat & Hassl. Bull. Herb. Boissier, sér. 2, 5: 689 1905
Ipomoea argyreia fo. intermedia Chodat & Hassl. Bull. Herb. Boissier, sér. 2, 5: 689 1905
Ipomoea argyreia var. lanata Hassl.
Ipomoea argyreia fo. linearifolia Hassl.
Ipomoea argyreia var. martii Hassl.
Ipomoea argyreia var. nitens Hassl.
Ipomoea argyreia fo. oblongifolia Hassl.
Ipomoea argyreia fo. paraguariensis (Peter) Chodat & Hassl.
Ipomoea argyreia var. paraguariensis (Peter) Chodat & Hassl. Bull. Herb. Boissier, sér. 2, 5: 689 1905
Ipomoea argyreia fo. salicifolia Chodat & Hassl. Bull. Herb. Boissier, sér. 2, 5: 689 1905
Ipomoea argyreoides Choisy
Ipomoea aristolochiifolia G. Don Gen. Hist. 4: 277 1838
Ipomoea aristulata M. Martens & Galeotti Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Bruxelles 12(2): 263 1845
Ipomoea armata Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. (ed. 15 bis) 4: 214 1819
Ipomoea armata var. patens (A. Gray) M.E. Jones Contr. W. Bot. 12: 53 1908
Ipomoea armentalis L.O. Williams Fieldiana, Bot. 32(12): 185 1970
Ipomoea arnoldsonii Urb. Symb. Antill. 9: 424 1925
Ipomoea asarifolia (Desr.) Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. (ed. 15 bis) 4: 251 1819
Ipomoea aspera (Choisy) Vatke Linnaea 43: 508 1882
Ipomoea aspericaulis Baker
Ipomoea asperifolia Hallier f. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 18: 128 1893
Ipomoea asplundii O’Donell Arq. Mus. Paranaense 9: 211, t. 4 1952
Ipomoea assumptionis Morong Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 7: 170 1892
Ipomoea astrotrichota Dammer
Ipomoea atherstonei Baker
Ipomoea atropurpurea (Wall.) Choisy Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève 6: 457 1833
Ipomoea atrosanguinea Hook. Curtis’s Bot. Mag. 47: , t. 2170 1820
Ipomoea aturensis (Kunth) G. Don Gen. Hist. 4: 226 1838
Ipomoea aurantiaca L.O. Williams Fieldiana, Bot. 32(12): 187 1970
Ipomoea aurea Kellogg ex Curran Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1(3): 143 1885
Ipomoea auricoma A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss. 2: 67 1850
Ipomoea aurifolia Dammer
Ipomoea aurita Hassl. Pl. Hassl. (Addenda) 18 1917
Ipomoea aurita (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) G. Don Gen. Hist. 4: 282 1837
Ipomoea austin-smithii Standl. Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 18(4): 566 1938
Ipomoea avicola D.F. Austin Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 64(2): 337 1977 or 1978
Ipomoea baclii Choisy 60, t. 2 1838
Ipomoea bahiensis Willd. ex Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. (ed. 15 bis) 4: 789 1819
Ipomoea bahiensis var. sagittifolia Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 269 1869
Ipomoea bahiensis var. uniflora Meisn.
Ipomoea balansae Peter
Ipomoea balioclada Urb. Symb. Antill. 9: 245 1924
Ipomoea barbatisepala A. Gray Syn. Fl. N. Amer. (ed. 2) 1: 212 1886
Ipomoea barbigera Sweet Brit. Fl. Gard. 1: t. 86 1823
Ipomoea barlerioides (Choisy) Benth. ex C.B. Clarke Fl. Brit. India 4: 201 1883
Ipomoea barrettii Rendle
Ipomoea barteri A. Chev. Explor. Bot. Afrique Occ. Franc. 453 1920
Ipomoea barteri Baker Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1894: 70 1894
Ipomoea bartletti Standl.
Ipomoea batatas (L.) Poir. Encycl. 6(1): 14 1804
Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. Tabl. Encycl. 1: 465 1793
Ipomoea batatas var. apiculata (M. Martens & Galeotti) J.A. McDonald & D.F. Austin Brittonia 42(2): 118 1990
Ipomoea batatas var. edulis (Thunb.) Makino Fl. Japan 476 1927
Ipomoea batatas var. leucantha (Jacq.) Nishiyama Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 84(996): 385 1971
Ipomoea batatas var. littoralis (Blume) Nishiyama Bot. Mag. 84: 385 1971
Ipomoea batatas var. lobata Gagnep. & Courchet
Ipomoea batatas var. porphyrorhiza Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. I. 468 1864 or 1862
Ipomoea batatas fo. trifida Moldenke Phytologia 2: 224 1947
Ipomoea batatilla (Kunth) G. Don Gen. Hist. 4: 275 1838
Ipomoea batatoides Choisy Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève 8(1): 58?9 1838 or 1837
Ipomoea batatoides Benth. Pl. Hartw. 46 1840
Ipomoea bathycolpos
Ipomoea bathycolpos var. bathycolpos Hallier f.
Ipomoea bathycolpos var. sinuatodentata Hallier f.
Ipomoea beladamboe Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. (ed. 15 bis) 4: 233 1819
Ipomoea bellecomans Rendle
Ipomoea benghalensis Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. (ed. 15 bis) 4: 229 1819
Ipomoea beraviensis Vatke Linnaea 43: 514 1882
Ipomoea bernoulliana Peter Nat. Pflanzenfam. IV(3a): 30 1897 or 1891
Ipomoea beyeriana Urb. Symb. Antill. 9: 425 1925
Ipomoea biflora (L.) Pers. Syn. Pl. 1: 183 1805
Ipomoea biglandulosa Arechav. An. Mus. Nac. Montevideo 7: 204 1909
Ipomoea bignonioides Sims Bot. Mag. , t. 2645
Ipomoea biloba Forssk. Fl. Aegypt.-Arab. 44 1775
Ipomoea biloba Baker & Rendle Fl. Trop. Afr. 4(2): 215
Ipomoea bilobata (Roxb.) G. Don Hort. Brit. (ed. 3) 483 1839
Ipomoea bilobata var. emarginata (Hallier f.) R.O. Williams Bull. Herb. Boissier, sér. 2, 5: 438 1905
Ipomoea bipinnatipartita Engl.
Ipomoea bisavium A. Meeuse
Ipomoea blanchetii Choisy Prodr. 9: 387
Ipomoea blancoi Choisy Prodr. 9: 389 1845
Ipomoea blepharophylla Hallier f. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 18: 125 1893
Ipomoea blepharosepala Hochst. ex A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss. 2: 72 1857
Ipomoea bogotensis (Kunth) G. Don Gen. Hist. 4: 273 1838
Ipomoea boisiana Gagnep. Notul. Syst. (Paris) 3: 141 1915
Ipomoea boisiana var. fulvopilosa Gagnep. Notul. Syst. (Paris) 3: 142 1915
Ipomoea boisiana var. rufopilosa Gagnep. Fl. Gén. Indo-Chine 4: 263 1915
Ipomoea bolusiana Schinz Verh. Bot. Vereins Prov. Brandenburg 30: 271 1888
Ipomoea bolusiana
Ipomoea bolusiana subsp. bolusiana Schinz
Ipomoea bolusiana var. pinnatipartita Verdc. Kirkia 6: 118 1967
Ipomoea bombycina (Choisy) Benth. & Hook. f. Gen. Pl. 2: 873 1876
Ipomoea bona-nox L. Sp. Pl. (ed. 2) 1: 228 1762
Ipomoea bona-nox var. purpurascens Ker Gawl. Bot. Reg. 4:pl. 290 1818
Ipomoea bonariensis Hook. Bot. Mag. 65: t. 3665 1839
Ipomoea bonariensis subsp. aspera Hassl. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 153 1911 or 1911
Ipomoea bonariensis var. bonariensis
Ipomoea bonariensis var. calvescens Hallier Jahrb. Hamburg. Wiss. Anst. 16: 51 1899
Ipomoea bonariensis var. chacoensis O’Donell Lilloa 29: 125 1959
Ipomoea bonariensis fo. cordata Hassl. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 153 1911
Ipomoea bonariensis var. cordifolia Chodat & Hassl. Bull. Herb. Boissier 5: 695 1905
Ipomoea bonariensis var. genuina Chodat & Hassl. Bull. Herb. Boissier 5: 695 1905
Ipomoea bonariensis fo. glabrata Hassl. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 153 1911
Ipomoea bonariensis var. grandiflora Chodat & Hassl. Bull. Herb. Boissier 5: 695 1905
Ipomoea bonariensis var. hispida Hassl. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 154 1911 or 1911
Ipomoea bonariensis subvar. integrifolia Hallier f. Jahrb. Hamburg. Wiss. Anst. Beih. 16(3): 52 1899 or 1899
Ipomoea bonariensis fo. intermedia Hassl. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 153 1911
Ipomoea bonariensis fo. lobata Hassl. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 154 1911
Ipomoea bonariensis subsp. mollis Hassl. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 153 1911
Ipomoea bonariensis var. pubescens Hassl. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 154 1911 or 1911
Ipomoea bonariensis var. pubisepala Hassl. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 153 1911
Ipomoea bonariensis var. rupestris Chodat & Hassl. Bull. Herb. Boissier 5: 695 1905
Ipomoea bonariensis fo. subintegra Hassl. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 154 1911
Ipomoea bonariensis var. tomentosa Hassl. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 154 1911 or 1911
Ipomoea bonariensis fo. trichosepala Hassl. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 154 1911
Ipomoea bonariensis subvar. triloba Hallier f. Jahrb. Hamburg. Wiss. Anst. Beih. 16(3): 51 1899
Ipomoea bonariensis fo. villicaulis Chodat & Hassl. Bull. Herb. Boissier, sér. 2, 5: 695 1905
Ipomoea bowieana Baker
Ipomoea brachypoda Benth. Bot. Voy. Sulphur 135 1844 or 1845
Ipomoea bracteata Cav. Icon. 5: 51, t. 477 1799
Ipomoea bracteata Wight Icon. Pl. Ind. Orient. t. 1374 1848
Ipomoea bracteata Rudolph ex Ledeb. Neues J. Bot. 2: 292 1807
Ipomoea bracteata var. bracteata
Ipomoea bracteata var. lobata C.B. Clarke Fl. Brit. India 4: 204 1883
Ipomoea bracteata var. pubescens Rob. & Greenm. Amer. J. Sci. Arts, ser. 3 50(296): 160 1895
Ipomoea bracteata var. viridibracta J.A. McDonald Brenesia 28: 60 1989
Ipomoea brasiliana Meisn.
Ipomoea brasiliensis (L.) Sweet Hort. Suburb. Lond. 35 1818
Ipomoea brasiliensis (L.) G. Mey. Prim. Fl. Esseq. 97 1818
Ipomoea brassii C.T. White
Ipomoea breedlovei L.O. Williams Fieldiana, Bot. 32(12): 188 1970
Ipomoea breviflora G. Mey. Prim. Fl. Esseq. 100 1818
Ipomoea brevifolia G. Mey. Prim. Fl. Esseq. 100 1818
Ipomoea brevipedicellata (Hallier f.) Hallier f. Meded. Rijks-Herb. 46: 20 1922
Ipomoea brevipes Peter Nat. Pflanzenfam. IV(3a): 30 1897 or 1891
Ipomoea brevipes Choisy Prodr. 9: 349 1845
Ipomoea bronsonii J. N. Gerard Gard. & Forest 5: 345 1892
Ipomoea buchii Urb. Symb. Antill. 3: 356 1903
Ipomoea buchneri Peter Nat. Pflanzenfam. IV(3a): 29 1897 or 1891
Ipomoea bufalina Choisy
Ipomoea bullata Oliv. Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 2: 343, t. 62 1887
Ipomoea burchellii Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 271 1869
Ipomoea burmanni K.D. Koenig ex Choisy Prodr. 9: 330, 392 1845
Ipomoea burmanni Choisy Prodr. 9: 350 1845
Ipomoea bussei Pilg. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 45: 220 1910
Ipomoea caerulea Roxb. Bot. Reg. 4: t: 276 1818
Ipomoea cairica (L.) Sweet Hort. Brit. 2: 287 1826
Ipomoea cairica var. cairica
Ipomoea cairica var. gracillima (Collett & Hemsl.) C.Y. Wu Rep. Stud. Pl. Trop. Subtrop. Yunnan 1: 120 1965
Ipomoea cairica var. hederacea Hallier f.
Ipomoea cairica var. indica Hallier f. Annuario Reale Ist. Bot. Roma 7: 231 1898
Ipomoea cairica var. lineariloba Deg. & Oostst.
Ipomoea cairica var. semine-glabra 1978
Ipomoea calantha Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 202?03 1866
Ipomoea calcarata Rendle
Ipomoea calderonii Standl. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 14(11): 242 1924
Ipomoea calidicola Standl. & L.O. Williams Ceiba 3(2): 127 1952
Ipomoea callida House Muhlenbergia 3(3): 42, t. 3 1907
Ipomoea calodendron O’Donell Lilloa 23: 480, t. 9 1950
Ipomoea caloneura Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 281 1869
Ipomoea calophylla C. Wright ex Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 204 1866
Ipomoea calophylla Fenzl Flora 27: 312 1844
Ipomoea caloxantha Diels Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 5(25): 203?04 1912
Ipomoea calva House Bot. Gaz. 43(6): 410, f. 1 1907
Ipomoea calycina (Roxb.) Benth. ex C.B. Clarke Fl. Brit. India 4(10): 201 1883
Ipomoea calycina var. blepharosepala (Hochst. ex A. Rich.) Di Capua Annuario Reale Ist. Bot. Roma 8(2): 227 1904
Ipomoea calycina var. cardiosepala Di Capua Annuario Reale Ist. Bot. Roma 8(2): 226?27 1904
Ipomoea calycina var. neglecta Di Capua Annuario Reale Ist. Bot. Roma 8(2): 227?28 1904
Ipomoea calycosa Choisy
Ipomoea calyptrata Dammer Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 23(57): 40 1897
Ipomoea calystegioides Hallier f.
Ipomoea campanulata L. Sp. Pl. 1: 160 1753
Ipomoea campanulata var. illustris C.B. Clarke Fl. Brit. India 4: 211 1883
Ipomoea campestris Meisn.
Ipomoea camporum A. Chev. ex Hutch. & Dalziel Fl. W. Trop. Afr. 2: 215 1931
Ipomoea cana E. Mey. Zwei Pflanzengeogr. Dokum. 195
Ipomoea canescens (Kunth) G. Don Gen. Hist. 4: 273 1838
Ipomoea capillacea (Kunth) G. Don Gen. Hist. 4: 267 1838
Ipomoea capillacea var. capillacea
Ipomoea capillacea var. patens A. Gray Syn. Fl. N. Amer. (ed. 2) 434 1886
Ipomoea capitata Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. (ed. 15 bis) 4: 238 1819
Ipomoea capitata (Desr.) Choisy Prodr. 9: 365 1845
Ipomoea capitellata Choisy Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève 6: 457 1833
Ipomoea capparoiides Choisy Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève 8: 59 1838
Ipomoea carajasensis D.F. Austin Acta Amazon. 11(2): 291 1981
Ipomoea cardenasiana O’Donell Dusenia 1: 375, t. 1950
Ipomoea cardiophylla A. Gray Syn. Fl. N. Amer. (ed. 2) 2(1): 213 1886
Ipomoea cardiosepala Hochst. ex Baker & Wright Fl. Trop. Afr. 4(2): 147 1905
Ipomoea cardiosepala Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 265 1869
Ipomoea carletonii Holz. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 1(6): 211, pl. 17 1892
Ipomoea carmesina Proctor J. Arnold Arbor. 63(3): 292, map 37 1982
Ipomoea carnea Jacq. Enum. Syst. Pl. 13 1760
Ipomoea carnea fo. albiflora Moldenke Phytologia 2: 224 1947
Ipomoea carnea fo. carnea
Ipomoea carnea subsp. carnea
Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa (Mart. ex Choisy) D.F. Austin Taxon 26(2?): 237 1977
Ipomoea carnosa R. Br. Prodr. 485 1810
Ipomoea carolina Pursh Fl. Amer. Sept. 1: 145 1814 or 1813
Ipomoea carolina L. Sp. Pl. 1: 160 1753
Ipomoea carrizalia Brandegee Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 4(19): 382 1913
Ipomoea cataractae Endl. Prodr. Fl. Norfolk. 53
Ipomoea cathartica Poir. Encycl., Suppl. 4(2): 633 1816
Ipomoea caudata Fernald Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 36(27): 498 1901
Ipomoea cavalcantei D.F. Austin Acta Amazon. 11(2): 292 1981
Ipomoea cavanillesii Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. (ed. 15 bis) 4: 214 1819
Ipomoea cearensis O’Donell Lilloa 26: 363, t.4 1953
Ipomoea cecilae N.E. Br.
Ipomoea cecilae var. anomophylla Merxm.
Ipomoea cecilae var. quinquesecta Merxm.
Ipomoea cephalantha Baker Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1894: 69 1894
Ipomoea cephalantha Dammer Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 23(5, Beibl. 57): 39 1897
Ipomoea cernua Arechav. Anales Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo 7: 192 1910
Ipomoea cernua Hassl. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 156 1911
Ipomoea cernua var. ambigua (Meisn.) Arechav. Anales Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo 7: 192 1910
Ipomoea cernua fo. cernua
Ipomoea cernua var. cernua
Ipomoea cernua fo. chacoensis Hassl. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 156 1911
Ipomoea cernua fo. obtusiflora Hassl. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 156 1911
Ipomoea cernua fo. palmirense Arechav. Anales Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo 7: 192 1911
Ipomoea cernua fo. platensis Hassl. Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9: 156 1911
Ipomoea cernua fo. yapeyuana Arechav. Anales Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo 7: 192 1911
Ipomoea chamelana J.A. McDonald Biótica 12(3): 217?19, f. 1 1987
Ipomoea chanetii Léveillé, Augustin(e) Abel Hector Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 9(222-226): 452?53 1911
Ipomoea cheirophylla O’Donell Lilloa 29: 141 1959
Ipomoea chenopodiifolia (M. Martens & Galeotti) Hemsl. Biol. Cent.-Amer., Bot. 2(11): 385 1882
Ipomoea chiapensis Brandegee Univ. Calif. Publ. Bot. 6(4): 60 1914
Ipomoea chilensis A. Braun & C.D. Bouch?,Index Sem. (Berlin) 1857: Append. 1" 1858
Ipomoea chiliantha Hallier f. Bull. Herb. Boissier 7: 50 1899
Ipomoea chilopsidis Standl. Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 17(2): 206 1937
Ipomoea chiriquiensis Standl. Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 27(3): 334?35 1940
Ipomoea chloroneura Hallier f. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 18: 132 1893
Ipomoea chodatiana O’Donell Lilloa 23: 484, t. 10 1950
Ipomoea choisiana Wight ex Safford Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 9: 298 1905
Ipomoea cholulensis Kunth Nov. Gen. Sp. (quarto ed.) 3: 112 1818 or 1819
Ipomoea chondrosepala Hallier f. Bull. Herb. Boissier 7: 49 1899
Ipomoea chryseides Ker Gawl. Bot. Reg. 4:pl. 270 1818
Ipomoea chrysocalyx D.F. Austin Fl. Ecuador 15: 45 1982
Ipomoea chrysochaetia Hallier f. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 18: 133 1894
Ipomoea chrysochaetia var. lasiophylla (Hallier f.) Lejoly & Lisowski Fragm. Florist. Geobot. 37(1): 52 1992
Ipomoea chrysochaetia var. velutipes (Welw. ex Rendle) Lejoly & Lisowski Fragm. Florist. Geobot. 37(1): 52 1992
Ipomoea chrysotricha Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 243 1869
Ipomoea chrysotricha var. boliviana Meisn.
Ipomoea chrysotrichoides Hassl.
Ipomoea cicatricosa Baker Kew Bull. 1895: 221 1895
Ipomoea ciervensis Painter Bot. Gaz. 43(6): 408 1907
Ipomoea cincta Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. (ed. 15 bis) 4: 254 1819
Ipomoea cissoides (Lam.) Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. I. 473 1864 or 1862
Ipomoea cissoides unranked guadaloupensis (Steud.) Hallier f. Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 18(6): 206 1908
Ipomoea cissoides var. subintegrifolia Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 229?30 1869
Ipomoea cissoides fo. viscidula Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 229 1869
Ipomoea clarensis Alain Mem. Soc. Cub. Hist. Nat. Felipe Poey" 22: 121" 1955
Ipomoea clarkei Hook. f. Fl. Brit. India 4(12): 734 1885
Ipomoea classeniana Huber Cat. Gen. 1870&1871: 7 1870
Ipomoea clausa Rudolphi ex Ledeb. & Adlerstam Pl. Doming. 14 1805
Ipomoea clavata (G. Don) Ooststr. ex J.F. Macbr. Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 11(1): 3 1931
Ipomoea clewellii C. Nelson Phytologia 72(6): 401 1992
Ipomoea coccinea L. Sp. Pl. 1: 160 1753
Ipomoea coccinea Sess?& Moc. Sp. Pl. (ed. 2) 228 1762
Ipomoea coccinea var. coccinea
Ipomoea coccinea var. curviflora Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. I. 474 1864 or 1862
Ipomoea coccinea var. hederifolia (L.) A. Gray Syn. Fl. N. Amer. 2(1): 209 1878
Ipomoea coccinea var. luteola (Jacq.) Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 218 1869
Ipomoea coccinea var. luteola Arechav. Anales Mus. Hist. Nat. Montevideo 7: 191 1910
Ipomoea coccinea var. pubescens Schltdl. & Cham. Linnaea 5: 118 1830
Ipomoea codonantha Benth. Pl. Hartw. 120 1843
Ipomoea collina House Bot. Gaz. 43(6): 412, f. 4 1907
Ipomoea colombiana O’Donell Lilloa 26: 365, t. 5, f. 1 1953
Ipomoea commutata Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. (ed. 15 bis) 4: 228 1819
Ipomoea commutata
Ipomoea comosa House Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 18: 201 1908
Ipomoea conceiroi Rendle J. Bot. 46: 182 1908
Ipomoea concinna House Muhlenbergia 3(3): 42 t. 2, f. c 1907
Ipomoea concolora (Matuda) D.F. Austin Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 64(2): 335 1977 or 1978
Ipomoea confertiflora Standl. Publ. Carnegie Inst. Wash. 461(4): 83 1935
Ipomoea congesta R. Br. Prodr. 485 1810
Ipomoea consimilis Schulze-Menz Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin朌ahlem 14: 112 1938
Ipomoea contorquens Choisy Prodr. 9: 385 1845
Ipomoea contorquens var. contorquens
Ipomoea contorquens var. heterophylla Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 286 1869
Ipomoea contorquens var. simplicifolia Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 286 1869
Ipomoea contorquens var. vulgaris Meisn. Fl. Bras. t: 286 1869
Ipomoea contorta Choisy
Ipomoea contrerasii L.O. Williams Fieldiana, Bot. 32(12): 189 1970
Ipomoea convolvuloides Hallier f.
Ipomoea convolvulus
Ipomoea convolvulus var. guineensis Schumach. & Thonn. Beskr. Guin. Pl. 90 1827
Ipomoea conzattii Greenm. Publ. Field Columb. Mus., Bot. Ser. 2(6): 258 1907
Ipomoea coptica (L.) Roth ex Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. (ed. 15 bis) 4: 208 1819
Ipomoea coptica Roem. & Schult.
Ipomoea coptica var. acuta Choisy Prodr. 9: 384 1845
Ipomoea coptica var. coptica
Ipomoea cordata L.B. Sm. & B.G. Schub. Contr. Gray Herb. 127: 31?2, t. 2, f. 33, 34 1939
Ipomoea cordatotriloba Dennst. Nomencl. Bot. 1: 246 1810
Ipomoea cordatotriloba var. australis (O’Donell) D.F. Austin Taxon 37(1): 185 1988
Ipomoea cordatotriloba var. cordatotriloba
Ipomoea cordatotriloba var. torreyana (A. Gray) D.F. Austin Taxon 37(1): 185 1988
Ipomoea cordifolia Carey Hort. Suburb. Calcutt. 358 1845
Ipomoea cordobana Peter Nat. Pflanzenfam. IV(3a): 31 1897 or 1891
Ipomoea cordofana Choisy Prodr. 9: 350 1845
Ipomoea coriacea Choisy Prodr. 9: 358 1845
Ipomoea cornucopia Chodat & Hassl. Bull. Herb. Boissier, sér. 2, 5: 688 1905
Ipomoea corralinensis Choisy ex A. DC. Prodr. 9: 361 1845
Ipomoea corymbosa (L.) Roth Syst. Veg. (ed. 15 bis) 4: 232 1819
Ipomoea coscinosperma Hochst. ex Choisy Prodr. 9: 354 1845
Ipomoea coscinosperma var. glabra Schimp. ex Baker & Rendle 1905
Ipomoea coscinosperma var. hirsuta A. Rich. 1851
Ipomoea costaricensis Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 443 1891
Ipomoea costata F. Muell. ex Benth.
Ipomoea costellata Torr. Rep. U.S. Mex. Bound. 2(1): 149 1859
Ipomoea costellata var. costellata 2002
Ipomoea costellata var. edwardsensis O’Kennon & G.L. Nesom Sida 20(1): 39?4, f. 1?, 3 [map_] 2002
Ipomoea crassicaulis (Benth.) B.L. Rob. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 51(10): 530 1916
Ipomoea crassifolia Cav. Descr. Pl. 100 1802
Ipomoea crassifolia Pers. Syn. Pl. 1: 184 1805
Ipomoea crassipes Hook. Bot. Mag. 70: , t. 4068 1844
Ipomoea crassipes var. crassipes
Ipomoea crassipes var. hewittioides Hallier f. Bull. Herb. Boissier 7: 49 1899
Ipomoea crepidiformis Hallier f. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 18: 131 1893
Ipomoea crepidiformis var. crepidiformis
Ipomoea crepidiformis var. microcephala Verdc. Kew Bull. 13: 207 1958
Ipomoea crepidiformis var. minor Rendle J. Bot. 39: 20 1901
Ipomoea crinata Brandegee Zo?5: 216 1905
Ipomoea crinicalyx S. Moore Trans. Linn. Soc. London, Bot. 4(3): 402, t. 27, f. 1 1895
Ipomoea crinita Brandegee Zo?5(10): 216?17 1905
Ipomoea crispa Hallier f.
Ipomoea cristulata Hallier f. Meded. Rijks-Herb. 46: 20 1922
Ipomoea crocea McPherson ex Breedlove Listados Floríst. México 4: 75 1986
Ipomoea crotonifolia Gardner
Ipomoea cruckshanksii Choisy Prodr. 9: 389
Ipomoea cubensis (House) Urb. Symb. Antill. 9: 427 1925
Ipomoea cuernavacensis House Bot. Gaz. 43(6): 410 1907
Ipomoea cuneifolia Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 245 1869
Ipomoea cuneifolia A. Gray Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 19: 90?1 1884 or 1883
Ipomoea cuneifolia var. acutifolia Meisn.
Ipomoea cuprinacoma E. Carranza & J.A. McDonald Lundellia 7: 1?, f. 1? 2004
Ipomoea curassavica All. Auct. Syn. 10 1773
Ipomoea curtissii House Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 18(6): 257 1908
Ipomoea cuspidata D. Don Prodr. Fl. Nepal. 98 1825
Ipomoea cuspidata Ruiz & Pav. Fl. Peruv. 2: 11, t. 119 1799
Ipomoea cyamoclita St.-Lag. Ann. Soc. Bot. Lyon 7(1): 128 1880
Ipomoea cyanantha Griseb. Fl. Brit. W. I. 469 1864 or 1862
Ipomoea cymosa (Desr.) Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. (ed. 15 bis) 6: 241 1820
Ipomoea cymosa Lindl. Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 29: t. 24 1843
Ipomoea cymosa var. macra C.B. Clarke
Ipomoea cynanchifolia C.B. Clarke Fl. Brit. India 4(10): 208 1883
Ipomoea cynanchifolia Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 274 1869
Ipomoea dactylophylla Griseb. Cat. Pl. Cub. 203?04 1866
Ipomoea dajabonensis Alain Anuario Acad. Ci. Republ. Dominic., Bot. 3: 68 1977 or 1978
Ipomoea dammarana Rendle J. Bot. 34: 36 1896
Ipomoea darainensis Deroin, Ranir. & Nusb. Candollea 63(235): 240 2008
Ipomoea dasysperma Jacq.
Ipomoea dasysperma var. disperma Ram. Goyena Fl. Nicarag. 2: 652 1911
Ipomoea dasysperma var. odontosepala Verdc.
Ipomoea daturiflora Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 273 1869
Ipomoea davidsoniae Standl. Publ. Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. 22(2): 98 1940
Ipomoea dealbata (M. Martens & Galeotti) Hemsl. Biol. Cent.-Amer., Bot. 2(11): 386 1882
Ipomoea decasperma Hallier f. Bull. Herb. Boissier 5: 386, t. 14 1897
Ipomoea deccana D.F. Austin
Ipomoea deccana var. lobata S.C. Johri J. Econ. Taxon. Bot. 5: 432 1984
Ipomoea decemcornuta O’Donell Lilloa 26: 366, t. 6 1953
Ipomoea decipiens Dammer
Ipomoea decora Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 272 1869
Ipomoea delphinifolia M. Martens & Galeotti Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Bruxelles 12(2): 265 1845
Ipomoea delphinioides Choisy Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève 8(1): 53 1838
Ipomoea demerariana Choisy Prodr. 9: 361 1845
Ipomoea demissa Hallier f. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 18: 129 1893
Ipomoea densibracteata O’Donell Lilloa 23: 438 1950
Ipomoea dentata (Vahl) Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. (ed. 15 bis) 4: 789 1819
Ipomoea denticulata (Lam.) Choisy Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève 6: 467 1833
Ipomoea deppeana G. Don Gen. Hist. 4: 276 1824
Ipomoea descolei O’Donell Lilloa 23: 440, t. 8 1950
Ipomoea desertorum House Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 18(6): 203 1908
Ipomoea desmophylla Bojer ex Choisy Prodr. 9: 353 1845
Ipomoea desmophylla var. oblonga Choisy Prodr. 9: 353 1845
Ipomoea desrousseauxii Steud. Nomencl. Bot. (ed. 2) 816 1841
Ipomoea diamantinensis J.M. Black
Ipomoea dichoroa Hochst. in A. Rich. Tent. Fl. Abyss. 2: 68 1850
Ipomoea dichotoma Kunth Nov. Gen. Sp. (quarto ed.) 3: 112 1818 or 1819
Ipomoea dichotoma Choisy Prodr. 9: 383 1845
Ipomoea dichotoma var. integrifolia Meisn.
Ipomoea dichotoma var. longiflora Choisy
Ipomoea dichotoma var. trilobata Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 281, pl. 101 f. 2 (en part.) 1869
Ipomoea dichroa Choisy Prodr. 9: 364 1845
Ipomoea diegoae M.C.Lara Acta Bot. Mex. 67: 68?4, f. 1 2004
Ipomoea diehlii M.E. Jones Contr. W. Bot. 12: 53 1908
Ipomoea digitata Baker & Rendle Fl. Trop. Afr. 4(2): 189 1905
Ipomoea digitata L. Syst. Nat. (ed. 10) 2: 924 1759
Ipomoea digitata var. digitata
Ipomoea digitata var. septempartita Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 279 1869
Ipomoea dimorphophylla Greenm. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 33(25): 482 1898
Ipomoea diriadactylina Hammel Phytoneuron 2012–27: 1–5, f. 1A–E, 2, 3 2012
Ipomoea discoidesperma Donn. Sm. Bot. Gaz. 14(2): 27?8 1889
Ipomoea discolor Jacq. Pl. Hort. Schoenbr. 3: 6 1798
Ipomoea discolor (Kunth) G. Don Gen. Hist. 4: 270 1838
Ipomoea dissecta (Jacq.) Pers.
Ipomoea dissecta Willd. Phytographia 5: t. 2 f. 3 1794
Ipomoea dissecta (Jacq.) Pursh Fl. Amer. Sept. 1: 145 1814 or 1813
Ipomoea dissecta var. maximiliani Meisn. Veg. Nordeste 84 1878
Ipomoea distans Choisy ex DC. Prodr. 9: 378
Ipomoea divergens House Muhlenbergia 3(3): 40 1907
Ipomoea diversifolia R. Br.
Ipomoea diversifolia Lindl. Edwards’s Bot. Reg. 23: pl. 1988 1837
Ipomoea domingensis (Desr.) House Muhlenbergia 3(3): 38 1907
Ipomoea donaldsonii Rendle Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 34: 37 1896
Ipomoea dubia Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. (ed. 15 bis) 4: 216?17 1819
Ipomoea dubia (M. Martens & Galeotti) Hemsl. Biol. Cent.-Amer., Bot. 2(11): 286 1882
Ipomoea dumetorum Willd. ex Roem. & Schult. Syst. Veg. (ed. 15 bis) 4: 789 1819
Ipomoea dumetorum fo. alba Moldenke Phytologia 2: 224 1947
Ipomoea dumetorum var. glaucescens (Kunth) Choisy Prodr. 9: 378 1845
Ipomoea dumosa (Benth.) L.O. Williams Fieldiana, Bot. 32(12): 190 1970
Ipomoea durangensis House Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 18(6): 187 1908
Ipomoea eberhardtii Gagnep.
Ipomoea ebracteata (Poir.) Choisy Prodr. 9: 377 1845
Ipomoea echinocalyx Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 223 1869
Ipomoea echioides Choisy Mém. Soc. Phys. Genève 8(1): 54 1838
Ipomoea edulis (Choisy) Niederl. Bol. Mens. Mus. Prod. Argent. 3(29): 190 1890
Ipomoea edulis (Thunb.) Makino Somoku-Dzusetsu 4: , pl. 25 1903
Ipomoea eenii Rendle
Ipomoea eggersiana Peter Nat. Pflanzenfam. IV(3a): 30 1891
Ipomoea eggersii (House) D.F. Austin Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 64(2): 335 1977 or 1978
Ipomoea egregia House Torreya 6(6): 124 1906
Ipomoea electrina D.F. Austin & J.A. McDonald Novon 12(1): 29 2002
Ipomoea elegans Meisn.
Ipomoea elliptica Roth Syst. Veg. 4: 248 1819
Ipomoea elongata Choisy Prodr. 9: 355 1845
Ipomoea elythrocephala Hallier f. Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 18: 134 1893
Ipomoea emarginata Kuntze Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 444 1891
Ipomoea emeiensis Z.Y. Zhu Bull. Bot. Res., Harbin 24(3): 257?58, f. 1 2004
Ipomoea emetica Choisy Prodr. 9: 376 1845
Ipomoea ennealoba P. Beauv. Fl. Oware 68, t. 101 1804
Ipomoea equitans M.E. Jones Contr. W. Bot. 15: 149 1929
Ipomoea erecta R. Br. Prodr. 486 1810
Ipomoea erecta Michx. J. Hist. Nat. 1: 410 1792
Ipomoea eremnobrocha D.F. Austin J. Torrey Bot. Soc. 124(2): 145?48, f. 3 1997
Ipomoea ericoides Meisn. Fl. Bras. 7: 251 1869
Ipomoea eriocalyx Mart.
Ipomoea eriocarpa R. Br. Prodr. 484 1810
Ipomoea eriocephala Moric. Pl. Nouv. Amer. 43, pl. 29 1838